Investigació científica en l'Estació Espacial Internacional

Un home vestit amb una camisa de polo blava va ficar la mà en una màquina d'ample. La màquina disposa d'amplis finestrals a la part davantera amb dos forats d'accés, i està ple d'aparells científics. El maquinari transitòri de l'estació espacial és visible al fons.
El Comandant i Oficial Científic de l'Expedició 8 Michael Foale condueix una inspecció al Microgravity Science Glovebox.
L'astronauta de l'Agència Espacial Europea (ESA) Thomas Reiter, especialista de la missió STS-116, treballa en la càrrega del Passive Observatories for Experimental Microbial Systems in Micro-G (POEMS) al Minus Eighty Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) del laboratori Destiny de l'Estació Espacial Internacional mentre el Transbordador Espacial Discovery estava acoblat a l'estació. MELFI és un equip congelador de baixa temperatura amb temperatura nominal de funcionament de -80, -26 i +4 °C que preserva els materials dels experiments en períodes llargs.
L'astronauta de l'ESA Thomas Reiter, especialista de la missió STS-116, treballa en la càrrega del Passive Observatories for Experimental Microbial Systems in Micro-G (POEMS) al Minus Eighty Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) del laboratori Destiny.

La investigació científica en l'Estació Espacial Internacional és una col·lecció d'experiments que requereixen una o diverses condicions excepcionals presents en l'òrbita terrestre baixa. Els principals camps d'investigació són investigació en éssers humans, medicina espacial, ciències de la vida, ciències físiques, astronomia i meteorologia.[1][2][3] La Llei d'Autorització de la NASA de 2005 va designar el segment nord-americà de l'Estació Espacial Internacional com un laboratori nacional amb l'objectiu d'augmentar l'ús de la ISS per altres agències federals i el sector privat.[4]

La recerca a la ISS millora el coneixement sobre els efectes de l'exposició espacial a llarg termini en el cos humà. Els subjectes actualment en estudi inclouen atròfia muscular, pèrdua de massa òssia, i desplaçament de fluids. Les dades s'utilitzen per determinar si la colonització espacial i el vol espacial tripulat de llarga duració són factibles. A partir de 2006, les dades sobre la pèrdua òssia i atròfia muscular suggereixen que hi hauria un risc significatiu de fractures i problemes de moviment si els astronautes aterressin en un planeta després d'un llarg viatge interplanetari (com ara el temps de viatge de sis mesos requerit per al vol a Mart).[5][6] Llargs estudis mèdics es duen a terme a bord de la ISS a través de la National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI). Entre ells es destaca l'estudi Advanced Diagnostic Ultrasound in Microgravity en la qual els astronautes (inclosos els anteriors comandants de la ISS Leroy Chiao i Guennadi Pàdalka) realitzen ecografies d'ultrasons amb l'ajut dels experts a distància. L'estudi considera el diagnòstic i tractament de condicions mèdiques a l'espai. En general, no hi ha cap metge a bord de la ISS, i el diagnòstic de condicions mèdiques és un repte. Es preveu que les ecografies guiades remotament tindran aplicació a la Terra en situacions d'emergència i l'atenció rural on l'accés d'un metge és difícil.[7][8][9]

Els investigadors estan estudiant l'efecte de la ingravidesa en l'entorn de l'estació sobre l'evolució, desenvolupament, el creixement i els processos interns de les plantes i els animals. En resposta a algunes d'aquestes dades, la NASA vol investigar els efectes de microgravetat en el creixement en tres dimensions, similars als teixits humans, i els cristalls de proteïnes inusuals que es poden formar a l'espai.[2]

La investigació de la física de fluids en condicions de microgravetat permetrà als investigadors per modelar millor el comportament dels fluids. A causa que els líquids es poden combinar gairebé del tot en condicions de microgravetat, els físics investigen els líquids que no es barregen bé a la Terra. A més, un examen de les reaccions que són frenats per la baixa gravetat i les temperatures donarà als científics una millor comprensió de la superconductivitat.[2]

L'estudi de la ciència de materials és una activitat important de la investigació en la ISS, amb l'objectiu d'obtenir beneficis econòmics a través de la millora de les tècniques usades a terra.[10] Altres àrees d'interès inclouen l'efecte de l'ambient de baixa gravetat en la combustió, a través de l'estudi de l'eficiència de la combustió i el control d'emissions i contaminants. Aquestes troballes poden millorar el coneixement sobre la producció d'energia, i donar lloc a beneficis econòmics i ambientals. Les properes investigacions en la ISS examinaran aerosols, l'ozó, vapor d'aigua, i òxids en l'atmosfera terrestre, com també raigs còsmics, pols còsmica, antimatèria, i matèria fosca a l'univers.[2]

Equips científics en l'ISS

Quan s'hagi completat, la ISS es compondrà d'un nombre de mòduls dedicats a l'activitat científica i també maquinari dissenyat per al mateix propòsit.
Mòduls de laboratoris:

  • Columbus
  • Destiny
  • Kibo o el Japanese Experiment Module
  • Poisk o Mini-Research Module 2
  • Rassvet o Mini-Research Module 1
  • Nauka o Multipurpose Laboratory Module (encara no s'ha llançat)

Maquinari científic que no està connectat a qualsevol mòdul laboratori:

Columbus (mòdul de la ISS)

Maquinari intern científic:

  • Biological Experiment Laboratory (BioLab)
  • European Drawer Rack (EDR)
  • European Physiology Module (EPM)
  • European Transportation Carrier (ETC)
  • Fluid Science Laboratory (FSL)
  • Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG)
  • Muscle Atrophy Research and Exercise System (MARES)

Maquinari extern científic:

  • Columbus - External Payload Facility (Columbus-EPF)
  • European Technology Exposure Facility (EuTEF)
  • Sun Monitoring on the External Payload Facility of Columbus (SOLAR)

Destiny (mòdul de la ISS)

  • Fluids and Combustion Facility (FCF)[14]
    • Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR)
    • Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR)
  • ExPRESS Rack 1[15]
  • ExPRESS Rack 2A[16]
  • ExPRESS Rack 3A[17]
  • ExPRESS Rack 4[18]
  • ExPRESS Rack 5[19]
  • ExPRESS Rack 6[20]
  • Human Research Facility 1 (HRF-1)
  • Human Research Facility 2 (HRF-2)[21]
  • Materials Science Research Rack-1 (MSRR-1)
  • Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI)
  • Window Observational Research Facility (WORF)

Kibo (mòdul de la ISS)

Maquinari científic intern:

  • Ryutai Experiment Rack (Ryutai)[23]
    • Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF)[24]
    • Solution Crystallization Observation Facility (SCOF)[25]
    • Protein Crystallization Research Facility (PCRF)[26]
    • Image Processing Unit (IPU)[27]
  • Kobairo Rack :
    • Gradient Heating Furnace (GHF)[28]
  • Saibo Experiment Rack (Saibo)[29]
    • Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF)[30]
    • Clean Bench (CB)[31]
  • Equips de suport dels laboratoris i altres petits instruments
    • The Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for the International Space Station (MELFI)
    • Biological Experiment Unit (BEU)[32]
    • High Definition TeleVision transmitting system (HDTV)[33]
    • Passive Dosimeter for Life Science Experiments in Space (PADLES)[34]
    • Human Research Facility Holter Monitor[35]
    • Payload Laptop Terminal (PLT)[36]
    • Microgravity Measurement Apparatus (MMA),
    • Utility DC/DC Converter Unit (UDC)[36]

Maquinari científic extern:

  • Japanese Experiment Module - Exposed Facility[37]

Poisk (mòdul de la ISS)

  • Multipurpose workstation (MWS)

Maquinari petit de l'ISS

  • Actiwatch (Actiwatch)[38]
  • BioServe Culture Apparatus (BCA)[39]
  • Biological Research in Canisters for OptiCells (BRIC-Opti)[40]
  • Human Research Facility Continuous Blood Pressure Device (CBPD)[41]
  • Hand Grip Dynamometer Pinch Force Dynamometer (HGD-PFD)[42]
  • Human Research Facility Holter Monitor (Holter)[43]
  • Kennedy Space Center Fixation Tube (KFT)[44]
  • Portable Clinical Blood Analyzer - i-STAT (PCBA)[45]
  • Radiation Area Monitor (RAM)[46]
  • Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter (TEPC)[47]
  • Urine Monitoring System (UMS)[48]
  • Vegetable Production System (Veggie)[49]

Subracks de l'ISS


  • Advanced Biological Research System (ABRS)[51]
  • Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility (APCF)[52]
  • ARCTIC Refrigerator-Freezer (ARCTIC)[53]
  • Biotechnology Specimen Temperature Controller (BSTC)[54]
  • Biotechnology Temperature Refrigerator (BTR)[55]
  • Boiling Experiment Facility (BXF)[56]
  • Clean Bench (CB)[57]
  • Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF)[58]
  • Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (CGBA)[59]
  • Commercial Plant Biotechnology Facility (CPBF)[60]
  • Commercial Refrigerator Incubator Module - Modified (CRIM-M)[61]
  • European Modular Cultivation System (EMCS)[62]
  • Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF)[63]
  • Flywheel Exercise Device (FWED)[64]
  • Image Processing Unit (IPU)[65]
  • Mice Drawer System Facility (MDS_Facility)[66]
  • Microgravity Vibration Isolation Subsystem (MVIS)[67]
  • Portable Astroculture Chamber (PASC)[68]
  • Protein Crystal Growth - Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System (PCG-STES)[69]
  • Protein Crystallization Research Facility (PCRF)[70]
  • Pulmonary Function System (PFS)[71]
  • Portable Glovebox (PGB)[72]
  • Refrigerated Centrifuge (RC)[73]
  • Solution Crystallization Observation Facility (SCOF)[74]
  • Space Linear Acceleration Mass Measurement Device (SLAMMD)[75]
  • Human Research Facility Ultrasound on the International Space Station (Ultrasound)[76]

ISS Stowage


  • Autonomous Biological System (ABS)[77]
  • Advanced Space Experiment Processor (ADSEP)[78]
  • Astro Garden[79]
  • Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC)[80]
  • Cell Culturing (CellCult)[81]
  • Group Activation Pack - Fluid Processing Apparatus (GAP-FPA)[82]
  • Granada Crystallization Facility (GCF)[83]

ISS Mid-deck Locker


  • Avian Development Facility (ADF)[85]
  • Animal Enclosure Module (AEM)[86]
  • General Laboratory Active Cryogenic ISS Experiment Refrigerator (GLACIER)[87]
  • Microgravity Experiment Research Locker Incubator (MERLIN)[88]
  • T-Cell Growth System (T-CGS)[89]

ISS Mid-deck Locker Insert


  • Biotube[90]
  • Kennedy Space Center Gaseous Nitrogen Freezer (GN2)[91]

Activitat científica de la CSA a l'ISS



  • APEX-CAMBIUM - Advanced Plant Experiments on Orbit[93]

Funded by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), APEX-Cambium will help determine the role gravity plays in trees forming different kinds of wood.

  • BCAT-5 - Binary Colloidal Alloy Test[94]
  • BISE - Bodies In the Space Environment[95]
  • CCISS - Space travel can be dizzying[96]
  • EVARM - Radiation monitoring experiment[97]

Radiation monitoring experiment is called EVARM and it was conducted in 2002 and 2003

  • H-Reflex (Experiment de l'ISS)[98]
  • MEIS-2 (Experiment de l'ISS)[99]
  • MVIS (Experiment de l'ISS)[100]
  • PMDIS (Experiment de l'ISS)[101]
  • SODI-IVIDIL (Experiment de l'ISS)[102]
  • RaDI-N (Experiment de l'ISS)[103]


Activitat científica de l'ESA a l'ISS

Programa científic de l'ESA per a Ciències de la Vida i la física es defineix i s'origina en l'ELIPS: European Programme for Life and Physical Sciences


Ciències de la Vida


  • Characterisation of the effects of microgravity on the mechanism of action of Vitamin D in Osteoblasts (VITAMIND)[108]
  • Embryonic development of amphibians in weightlessness (AQUARIUS)[109]
  • ROle of Apoptosis in Lymphocyte Depression (ROALD)[110]

Funció cardiovascular

  • Un model per a la investigació dels mecanismes de les malalties del cor i els mecanismes d'activació de l'activitat simpàtica en els éssers humans durant els vols espacials (CARD)[111]

Una descripció de l'experiment i el rendiment de l'experiment està publicat en l'Erasmus Experiment Archive (EEA) de l'ESA i a més un compte de condensat de la finalitat experiements i fundació s'ha proporcionat en el Spaceflight Science Newsletter no.1, 2010. L'experiment necessita 8-10 subjectes de prova humans per raons estadístiques mèdiques, perquè pugui ser completat. L'experiment prova dues hipòtesis que es basen en una investigació de més de dues dècades de duració en la comprensió de la reacció del sistema cardiovascular a l'exposició a la microgravetat. Les respostes que es poden observar en l'espai en les zones d'ajust de la pressió arterial, la resistència a la circulació, el farcit de fluid dels teixits i l'excreció d'orina, etc no encaixen completament amb les teories. Per tant, les noves teories sobre com les reaccions observables podria ser explicades.

  • Blood pressure circadian rhythms in weightlessness (BMI)[112]
  • Blood pressure Measurement Instrument (BMI)[113]
  • CARDIOCOG-2[114][115][116]
  • Cardiovascular adaptation to weightlessness (RHYTHM)[117]
  • Effects of microgravity on the peripheral subcutaneous veno-arteriolar reflex in humans. (XENON-1)[118]
  • Measurement of heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and blood flow to obtain heart rate variability, blood pressure variability and blood distribution. (SPACE RHYTHMS)[119]
  • One-day (24-hour) pattern of blood pressure and heart rate in weightlessness (CIRCA)[120]
  • Physiological parameters that predict orthostatic intolerance after spaceflight (AORTA)[121][122]
  • Physiological Parameters That Predict Orthostatic Intolerance After Spaceflight (HEART)[123]
  • Studies of airway inflammation during space flight (NOA-1)[124][125]
  • Studies of venous gas emboli during extravehicular activity procedures (NOA-2)[126]
  • Study of the evolution of cardiovascular deconditioning phenomena under weightless conditions (CARDIOSCIENCE)[127]

Biologia cel·lular i molecular

  • Bone cell mechanosensitivity in weightlessness (FLOW)[128]
  • Chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes of astronauts (CHROMOSOME)[129]
  • Chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes of astronauts (CHROMOSOMES)[130]
  • CHROMOSOME-2[131][132][133][134]
  • Cosmic radiation and microgravity related oxidative stress (RAMIROS)[135]
  • Effects of microgravity on expression of calcium channels in myocyte - MYOCYTE[136]
  • Expression of microbial genes in space (GENE)[137]
  • Fischer Rat Thyroid Low serum 5% (FRTL5)[138]
  • Microbiological Experiment on Space Station About Gene Expression (MESSAGE)[139][140]
  • Natural killer cell activity in microgravity - NKA[141]
  • Signalling through Rho GTPases in microgravity (RHO SIGNALLING)[142]
  • Yeast In No Gravity - Part 1 (YING-A)[143]
  • Yeast In No Gravity - Part 2 (YING-B)[144]

Biologia del desenvolupament

  • Effects of the gravity altered environment on Drosophilia motility, behaviour and ageing (AGEING)[145]
  • First International C.elegans Experiment: Physiological and genomic study of a nematode worm in space (ICE-first)[146]
  • The antibody V(D)J recombination machinery in normal and altered gravity - AMPHIBODY[147]


  • A demonstration of Newton's Three Laws of Motion (VIDEO-2)[148]
  • Amateur Radio on ISS (ARISS)[149]
  • A test of the basic principles of mechanics (THEBAS)[150]
  • Determination of the effect of gravity on the development of a colony of bacteria (WINOGRAD)[151]
  • DVD 4[152]
  • Electronic - Learning (E-Learning)[153]
  • Erasmus Recording Binocular 2 (ERB-2)[154]
  • Erasmus Recording Binocular (ERB)[155]
  • Neo-Cartilage Formation in Microgravity Environment (CHONDRO)[156]
  • Seeds in Space (SEEDS)[157]
  • Study of output of bacterial fuel cells in weightlessness (BugNRG)[158]
  • Study of the behaviour of a rigid body rotating around its centre of mass (APIS)[159]
  • VIDEO-3 (VI3): Filmed demonstrations of the effects of weightlessness on the human body.[160]

Endocrinologia i metabolisme

  • Cell-Cell Interaction of Monocytes and T-Lymphocytes in microgravity - MIA[161]
  • IMMUNO[162]
  • Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)[163]
  • Neuroendocrine and immune responses in humans during and after long term stay at ISS (IMMUNO)[164][165]
  • Role of weightlessness on actin metabolism in mammalian cells (ACTIN)[166]
  • Sympathoadrenal activity in humans during spaceflight (SYMPATHO)[167][168][169][170]


  • Dosimetry for biological experiments in space (DOBIES)[171]
  • Molecular adaptation strategies of micro-organisms to different space and planetary UV climate conditions (ADAPT)[172]
  • EXPOSE - Photo- and exobiology experiment (EXPOSE-R and EXPOSE-E)[173]
  • PRebiotic Organic ChEmistry on Space Station (PROCESS)[174]
  • Resistance of lichens and lithic fungi at space conditions (LIFE)[175]
  • Resistance of spacecraft isolates to outer space for planetary protection purposes (PROTECT)[176]
  • Testing the plant seed as a terrestrial model for panspermia vehicle and as a source for universal UV screens (SEEDS)[177]

Balanç de líquids i la funció renal

  • Renal stone risk during spaceflight: Assessment and countermeasure validation (RENAL STONE)[178]

Factors humans

  • Cardiac Adapted Sleep Parameters Electrocardiogram Recorder (CASPER)[179]
  • Cultural determinants of performance and error management at the International Space Station (CULT)[180][181]

Fisiologia humana

  • Ambiguous Tilt and Translation Motion Cues After Space Flight (Zag)[182]
  • Astronaut's Energy Requirements for Long-Term Space Flight (ENERGY)[183]
  • Bone Proteomics (BOP)[184]
  • Otolith Assessment During Postflight Re-adaptation (Otolith)[185]
  • Physiological analysis of skin in space (SKIN)[186]
  • SOdium LOading in Microgravity (SOLO)[187]
  • The effect of gravitational context on EEG dynamics: A study of spatial cognition, novelty processing and sensorimotor integration (NEUROSPAT)[188]
  • Validation of Centrifugation as a Countermeasure for Otolith Deconditioning During Spaceflight (Spin)[189]

Immunologia i hematologia

  • Blood and Oxidative Stress[190]
  • Effects of microgravity on the haemopoietic system: A study on neocytolysis (NEOCYTOLYSIS)[191]
  • Monitoring Latent Virus Reactivation and Shedding in Crewmembers (VIRUS)[192]
  • PAthway DIfferent ACtivators (PADIAC)[193]
  • Role of interleukin-2 receptor in signal transduction and gravisensing threshold of T-lymphocytes (LEUKIN)[194]
  • Space flight induced reactivation of latent Epstein-Barr virus (EPSTEIN-BARR)[195]
  • The influence of weightlessness on the activation of NF-κB protein (KAPPA)[196]


  • Long Term Microgravity: A Model for Investigating Mechanisms of Heart Disease with New Portable Equipment (CARD)[197]
  • Ambiguous Tilt and Translation Motion Cues After Space Flight (Zag)
  • SOdium LOading in Microgravity (SOLO)


  • Bacteria Adaptation to Space Environment - Part 1 (BASE-A)[198]
  • Microbial Growth Kinetics Under Conditions of Microgravity (Biokin)[199]
  • Microbial life in Space: Response to environmental factors in a space vehicle (MICROSPACE)[200]
  • Molecular and physiological analysis of bacterial samples isolated from manned spacecraft (SAMPLE)[201]
  • SAMPLE[202]
  • Study of the composition, physiology and possible adaptation of microbial communities exposed to weightlessness (SAMPLE)[203]

Sistema de múscul/esquelet

  • Crews Health: Investigation on Reduced Operability (CHIRO)[204]
  • Hand Posture Analyser (HPA)[205]
  • Low Back Pain[206]
  • Low back pain (MUSCLE)[207]
  • Neo-Cartilage Formation in Microgravity Environment (CHONDRO)[208]
  • Response to microgravity of adult stem cells and osteoprogenitors from bone marrow - STROMA 2[209]
  • Study of lower back pain in astronauts during spaceflight (MUSCLE)[210]


  • Crickets In Space 2 (CRISP-2)[211]
  • The effect of gravitational context on EEG dynamics: A study of spatial cognition, novelty processing and sensorimotor integration (NEUROSPAT)[212]


  • An investigation of space radiation effects on the functional state of the central nervous system and an operator's working capacity (ALTEINO)[213]
  • Cognitive process for 3-D orientation perception and navigation in weightlessness (COGNI)[214]
  • Directed attention brain potentials in virtual 3D space in weightlessness (NEUROCOG)[215][216]
  • Eye Tracking Device (ETD)[217][218]

[219] [220]

  • Mental Representation of Spatial Cues During Space Flight (3D-Space)[221]
  • Motion perception: Vestibular adaptation to G-transitions (MOP)[222][223]
  • On the contribution of visceral receptors to the sense of subjective vertical[224]
  • Sleep-wake actigraphy and light exposure during spaceflight (SLEEP)[225]
  • Stress, cognition and physiological response during spaceflight. (COGNISPACE)[226]

Biologia vegetal i fisiologia

  • Agrospace Experiments Suite[227]
  • Arabidopsis Thaliana in Space: Perception of Gravity, Signal Transduction and Graviresponse in Higher Plants (AT-Space)[228]
  • Effects of the space environment on the nuclear structure and function of plant root meristematic cells grown in microgravity (ROOT)[229]
  • Influence of gravity on the cytoskeleton and the determination of the division plane in plants (TUBUL)[230]
  • Study into interaction of effect of light and gravity on the growth processes of plants (GraPhoBox)[231]
  • Threshold Acceleration for Gravisensing (GRAVI 1)[232]
  • Vine In Near Orbit (VINO)[233]
  • Waving and Coiling of Arabidopsis Roots at Different g-levels (WAICO)[234]
  • TROPI, or "Analysis of a Novel Sensory Mechanism in Root Phototropism"
  • Zucchini plant grown for research -[235]

Aspectes psicològics

  • Special Event Meals (SEM)[236]

Biologia de la radiació

  • Advanced Dosimetric Telescope on EuTEF (DOSTEL)[237]
  • ALTEINO long term monitoring of cosmic rays on the International Space Station (ALTCRISS)[238][239][240]
  • Biodosimetry in astronauts[241]
  • MATROSHKA-1[242]
  • Mesurament dels riscos de radiació en l'espai (MATROSHKA-2a)[243][244][245]
  • Estudi de la distribució de dosi en profunditat a l'interior d'un maniquí fent servir els equips Matroshka a bord del segment rus de l'Estació Espacial Internacional (MATROSHKA-2B)[246]

Funció respiratòria

  • Cardiorespiratory adaptation to the space environment (CARDIORESPIR)[247]
  • ESANO-1[248]
  • ESANO-2[249]

Ciències físiques

Fenòmens d'agregació

Física atmosfèrica


  • Combustion synthesis under microgravity conditions (COSMIC)[254]

Observació terrestre

  • Earth Viewing Camera (EVC)[255]
  • Observation of environmental phenomena (IMEDIAS)[256]


  • A demonstration of physical phenomena in space. (VIDEO)[257]
  • Amateur Radio on ISS (ARISS)[258][259][260][261]
  • Earth Viewing Camera (EVC)[262]
  • Electrostatic Self-Assembly Demonstration (ESD)[263]
  • Oil emulsion experiment[264]


  • SOLar Auto-Calibrating EUV/UV Spectrophotometers (SOLACES)


  • SOLar SPECtral Irradiance Measurements (SOLSPEC)[266]
  • SOlar Variable and Irradiance Monitor (SOVIM)[267]

Física de fluids

  • Selectable Optical Diagnostics Instrument-Influence of VIbrations on DIffusion of Liquids (SODI-IVIDIL)[268]
  • Simulation of Geophysical Fluid Flow Under Microgravity (Geoflow)[269]


  • Foam Casting and Utilization in Space (FOCUS)Foam Casting and Utilization in Space (FOCUS)[270]
  • Foam-Stability (Foam-Stability)[271]

Física fonamental

  • Influence of mass transport and surface growth processes on protein crystal perfection (PCDF/PROTEIN)[272]

Aliatges metàl·lics

  • Columnar-to-Equiaxed Transition in Solidification Processing and Microstructure Formation in Casting of Technical Alloys under Diffusive and Magnetically Controlled Convective Conditions (CETSOL and MICAST)[273]

Estabilitat morfològica i microestructures

  • Study of aggregation mechanism and kinetics of ZSM-5 and Silicalite-1 nanoslabs into ZSM-5 / Silicalite-1 hybrid phases under microgravity conditions (NANOSLAB)[274]
  • Study of the structure and morphology of zeogrids obtained under microgravity conditions (ZEOGRID)[275]

Física del plasma

  • Atomic densities measured Radially in metal halide lamps under microGravity conditions with Emission and absorption Spectroscopy (ARGES)[276]
  • PKE Nefedov plasma crystal experiment[277][278] (experiment rus/alemany, 1998 - 2004)
  • PK-3 Plus plasma crystal experiment[279][280][281] (experiment rus/alemany)

Propietats dels compostos orgànics

  • Diffusion coefficients in crude oils (DCCO)[282]

Protein Crystal Growth

  • Defects in biomolecular crystals induced by growth in space and on Earth (PROMISS)[283]
  • Granada Crystallisation Facility (GCF)[284]
  • PROMISS-4[285]

Dosimetria de la radiació

  • Active monitoring of the UV and ionising radiation conditions (R3D)[286]
  • Advanced Dosimetric Telescope on EuTEF (DOSTEL)[287]
  • Dose Distribution inside ISS (DOSIS)[288]
  • Material Exposure and Degradation Experiment (MEDET)[289]
  • Particle Flux Demonstrator (Particle_Flux)[290]
  • Study of the depth dose distribution inside a human phantom using the MATROSHKA facility on board the Russian Segment of the International Space Station (MATROSHKA-2B)[291]
  • Tribology properties of materials in space (TRIBOLAB)[292]
  • Under The Background Influence (UTBI)[293]

Solució de creixement

  • Study of aggregation mechanism and kinetics of ZSM-5 and Silicate-1 nanoslabs into ZSM-5/Silicate-1 hybrid phases under near weightless conditions (NANOSLAB)[294]

Tecnologia espacial

  • Evaluation of a multi-purpose bag specially designed to assist an astronaut to manipulate objects in a weightless environment (MIRSUPIO)[295]
  • Functional in-orbit test of a new integrated crew garment system (VEST)[296]
  • Heat transfer performances of a grooved heat pipe (HEAT)[297]
  • Mouse Telemeter: Calibration of STAR accelerometers (MOT)[298]
  • Study of particle spectra and their influence on advanced components (SPICA-S)[299]
  • Tactile display aided orientation awareness (SUIT)[300]


  • 3D Camera (3DC)[301]
  • Analysis Experimentation Implementation Algorithms[302]
  • Electric Nose Monitoring (ENM)[303]
  • Electronics Space Test (EST)[304]
  • Erasmus Recording Binocular 2 (ERB-2)[305]
  • Erasmus Recording Binocular (ERB)[306]
  • Esperimento di Navigazione per Evento Italiano Dimostrativo di EGNOS (ENEIDE)[307]
  • EuTEMP[308]
  • Food Tray in Space (FTS)[309]
  • Garments for Orbital Activities in weightLessness (GOAL) and Vestibular Adaptation to G-Transitions: Motion Perception (GOAL/MOP)[310]
  • Heart Beat Monitoring (HBM)[311]
  • Low Altitude Zone Ionising Observatory (LAZIO)[312]
  • Specular Point-like Quick Reference (SPQR)[313]

Activitats científiques de la JAXA



  • [317]
  • Chaos, Turbulence and its Transition Process in Marangoni Convection Marangoni Exp (Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF))[318]
  • Spatio-temporal Flow Structure in Marangoni Convection (Marangoni UVP/MaranGoniat) (Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF))[319]
  • Experimental Assessment of Dynamic Surface Deformation Effects in Transition to Oscillatory Thermo capillary Flow in Liquid Bridge of High Prandtl Number Fluid (Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF))[320]
  • Pattern Formation during Ice Crystal Growth (Ice Crystal) (Solution Crystallization Observation Facility (SCOF))[321]
  • Investigation on Mechanism of Faceted Cellular Array Growth (Facet) (Solution Crystallization Observation Facility (SCOF))[322]
  • Growth of Homogeneous SiGe Crystals in Microgravity by the TLZ Method (Hicari) (Gradient Heating Furnace (GHF))
  • Gene expression of p53-regulated Genes in Mammalian Cultured Cells after Exposure to Space Environment (Rad Gene)[323]
  • Detection of Changes in LOH Profile of TK mutants of Human Cultured Cells (LOH)[324]
  • Control of cell differentiation and morphogenesis of amphibian culture cells (Dome Gene)
  • Integrated Assessment of Long-term Cosmic Radiation Through Biological Responses of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori, in Space (Rad Silk)[325]
  • RNA interference and protein phosphorylation in space environment using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (CERISE)
  • Cbl-Mediated Protein Ubiquitination Downregulates the Response of Skeletal Muscle Cells to Growth Factors in Space (Myo Lab)
  • Hydrotropism and Auxin-Inducible Gene Expression in Roots Grown under Microgravity Conditions (Hydro Tropi)[326]
  • Biological effects of space radiation and microgravity on mammalian cells (Neuro Rad)
  • Life Cycle of Higher Plants under Microgravity Conditions (Space Seed)[327]
  • Regulation by Gravity of Ferulate Formation in Cell Walls of Rice Seedlings (Ferulate)[328]

Camps d'Investigació Aplicada

  • High Quality Protein Crystallization Research (HQPC)[329]
  • Applied research core center promotion program New material development (Protein Crystallization Research Facility (PCRF))
  • Applied research core center promotion program Dynamics of Interfaces (Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF))

Desenvolupament tecnològic espacial

  • Passive Dosimeter for Life Science Experiments in Space (PADLES)[330]
  • High Definition TeleVision transmitting system (HDTV)[331]
  • Varidation of On-orbit Digital Holter ECG Monitoring[332]
  • Bisphosphonates as a Countermeasure to Space Flight Induced Bone Loss[333]

Educació i Cultura

  • Space Poem Chain (Experiment de l'ISS)[334]
  • Missions pilot per a la utilització de la cultura i de la humanitat i les ciències socials

Camps d'utilització comercial

Els honoraris d'utilització del Kibo estan a disposició dels grups de recerca sense restriccions per a l'ús comercial. Els costos involucrats en l'operació aniran a càrrec de cada usuari. Els resultats obtinguts a través de la utilització pertanyerà l'usuari.[317]

Exposed Facility (EF) Experiments

  • Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI)[335]
  • Space Environment Data Acquisition Equipment - Attached Payload (SEDA-AP)[336]
  • Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb Emission Sounder (SMILES)[337]

Activitat científica de la NASA


Recerca en Éssers Humans


Efecte dels vols espacials prolongats en el múscul esquelètic humà (Biòpsia)


  • Bisphosphonates as a Countermeasure to Space Flight Induced Bone Loss (Bisphosphonates)[341]
  • Commercial Biomedical Testing Module: Effects of Osteoprotegerin on Bone Maintenance in Microgravity (CBTM)[342]
  • Commercial Biomedical Test Module - 2 (CBTM-2)[343]
  • Foot Reaction Forces During Space Flight (Foot)[344]
  • Effects of Altered Gravity on Spinal Cord Excitability (H-Reflex)[345]
  • Hand Posture Analyzer (HPA)[346]
  • Renal Stone Risk During Spaceflight: Assessment and Countermeasure Validation (Renal_Stone)[347]
  • Spinal Elongation and its Effects on Seated Height in a Microgravity Environment (Spinal_Elongation)[348]
  • Subregional Assessment of Bone Loss in the Axial Skeleton in Long-term Space Flight (Subregional_Bone)[349]

Sistemes cardiovasculars i respiratoris

  • Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Control on Return from ISS (CCISS)[350]
  • Cardiac Atrophy and Diastolic Dysfunction During and After Long Duration Spaceflight: Functional Consequences for Orthostatic Intolerance, Exercise Capability and Risk for Cardiac Arrhythmias (Integrated_Cardiovascular)[351]
  • Test of Midodrine as a Countermeasure Against Post-flight Orthostatic Hypotension - Long (Midodrine-Long)[352]
  • Test of Midodrine as a Countermeasure Against Post-flight Orthostatic Hypotension - Short Duration Biological Investigation (Midodrine-SDBI)[353]
  • The Effects of EVA and Long-Term Exposure to Microgravity on Pulmonary Function (PuFF)[354]
  • Evaluation of Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Submaximal Estimates of VO2max Before, During, and After Long Duration International Space Station Missions (VO2max)[355]
  • Effect of Microgravity on the Peripheral Subcutaneous Veno-Arteriolar Reflex in Humans (Xenon1)[356]

Equip de sistemes de salut

  • IntraVenous Fluid GENeration for Exploration Missions (IVGEN)[357]
  • Stability of Pharmacotherapeutic and Nutritional Compounds (Stability)[358]

Comportament i rendiment humà

  • Bodies In the Space Environment: Relative Contributions of Internal and External Cues to Self - Orientation, During and After Zero Gravity Exposure (BISE)[359]
  • Crewmember and Crew-Ground Interaction During International Space Station Missions (Interactions)[360]
  • Behavioral Issues Associated with Isolation and Confinement: Review and Analysis of ISS Crew Journals (Journals)[361]
  • Sleep-Wake Actigraphy and Light Exposure During Spaceflight-Long (Sleep-Long)[362]
  • Sleep-Wake Actigraphy and Light Exposure During Spaceflight-Short (Sleep-Short)[363]
  • Human Factors Assessment of Vibration Effects on Visual Performance During Launch (Visual_Performance)[364]

Sistema immunitari

  • Differentiation of Bone Marrow Macrophages in Space (BONEMAC)[365]
  • Cell Culture Module - Immune Response of Human Monocytes in Microgravity (CCM-Immune_Response)[366]
  • Cell Culture Module - Effect of Microgravity on Wound Repair: In Vitro Model of New Blood Vessel Development (CCM-Wound_Repair)[367]
  • Space Flight Induced Reactivation of Latent Epstein-Barr Virus (Epstein-Barr)[368]
  • Validation of Procedures for Monitoring Crewmember Immune Function (Integrated_Immune)[369]
  • Incidence of Latent Virus Shedding During Space Flight (Latent_Virus)[370]

Fisiologia integrada

  • Advanced Diagnostic Ultrasound in Microgravity (ADUM)[371]
  • Nutritional Status Assessment (Nutrition)[372]
  • Dietary Intake Can Predict and Protect Against Changes in Bone Metabolism during Spaceflight and Recovery (Pro_K)[373]
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration Biological Specimen Repository (Repository)[374]

Sistemes neurològics i vestibulars

  • ELaboratore Immagini TElevisive - Space 2 (ELITE-S2)[375]
  • Promoting Sensorimotor Response Generalizability: A Countermeasure to Mitigate Locomotor Dysfunction After Long-Duration Space Flight (Mobility)[376]
  • Bioavailability and Performance Effects of Promethazine During Space Flight (PMZ)[377]


  • Anomalous Long Term Effects in Astronauts' Central Nervous System (ALTEA)[378]
  • Anomalous Long Term Effects in Astronauts' Central Nervous System - Shield (ALTEA-Shield)[379]
  • Bonner Ball Neutron Detector (BBND)[380]
  • Chromosomal Aberrations in Blood Lymphocytes of Astronauts (Chromosome)[381]
  • Dosimetric Mapping (DOSMAP)[382]
  • A Study of Radiation Doses Experienced by Astronauts in EVA (EVARM)[383]
  • Organ Dose Measurement Using the Phantom Torso (Torso)[384]
  • Mental Representation of Spatial Cues During Space Flight (3D-Space)[385]

Altres experiments del camp

  • Long Term Microgravity: A Model for Investigating Mechanisms of Heart Disease with New Portable Equipment (Card)[386]
  • Cytogenetic Effects of Ionizing Radiation in Peripheral Lymphocytes of ISS Crewmembers (Chromosome-2)[387]
  • Astronaut's Energy Requirements for Long-Term Space Flight (Energy)[388]
  • Neuroendocrine and Immune Responses in Humans During and After Long Term Stay at ISS (Immuno)[389]
  • Motion Perception: Vestibular Adaptation to G-Transitions (MOP)[390]
  • Study of Low Back Pain in Crewmembers During Space Flight (Mus)[391]
  • Otolith Assessment During Postflight Re-adaptation (Otolith)[392]
  • Perceptual Motor Deficits in Space (PMDIS)[393]
  • Psychomotor Vigilance Self Test on the International Space Station (Reaction_Self_Test)[394]
  • Study of Microbial Communities Exposed to Weightlessness (Sample)[395]
  • SOdium LOading in Microgravity (SOLO)[396]
  • Validation of Centrifugation as a Countermeasure for Otolith Deconditioning During Spaceflight (Spin)[397]
  • Test of Reaction and Adaptation Capabilities (TRAC)[398]
  • Ambiguous Tilt and Translation Motion Cues After Space Flight (Zag)[399]

Biologia i biotecnologia


Biologia animal

Biologia cel·lular i biotecnologia

  • Avian Development Facility - Development and Function of the Avian Otolith System in Normal Altered Gravity Environments (ADF-Otolith)[403]
  • Avian Development Facility - Skeletal Development in embryonic Quail (ADF-Skeletal)[404]
  • Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: Human Renal Cortical Cell Differentiation and Hormone Production (CBOSS-01-02-Renal)[405]
  • Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: Use of NASA Bioreactor to Study Cell Cycle Regulation: Mechanisms of Colon Carcinoma Metastasis in Microgravity (CBOSS-01-Colon)[406]
  • Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: Evaluation of Ovarian Tumor Cell Growth and Gene Expression (CBOSS-01-Ovarian)[407]
  • Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: PC12 Pheochromocytoma Cells - A Proven Model System for Optimizing 3-D Cell Culture Biotechnology in Space (CBOSS-01-PC12)[408]
  • Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems:Production of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin by Mammalian Cells (CBOSS-02-Erythropoietin)[409]
  • Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: The Effect of Microgravity on the Immune Function of Human Lymphoid Tissue (CBOSS-02-HLT)[410]
  • Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: Fluid Dynamics Investigation (CBOSS-FDI)[411]
  • Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus - Antibiotic Production in Space (CGBA-APS)[412]
  • Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus - Kidney Cell Gene Expression (CGBA-KCGE)[413]
  • Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus - Synaptogenesis in Microgravity (CGBA-SM)[414]
  • Microencapsulation Electrostatic Processing System (MEPS)[415]
  • StelSys Liver Cell Function Research (StelSys)[416]
  • Gene, Immune and Cellular Responses to Single and Combined Space Flight Conditions - A (TripleLux-A)[417]
  • Gene, Immune and Cellular Responses to Single and Combined Space Flight Conditions - B (TripleLux-B)[418]


  • Microbial Drug Resistance Virulence (MDRV)[419]
  • Effect of Spaceflight on Microbial Gene Expression and Virulence (Microbe)[420]
  • National Laboratory Pathfinder - Cells (NLP-Cells)[421]
  • National Laboratory Pathfinder - Vaccine - 1A (NLP-Vaccine-1A)[422]
  • National Laboratory Pathfinder - Vaccine - 1B (NLP-Vaccine-1B)[423]
  • National Lab Pathfinder - Vaccine - 1C (NLP-Vaccine-1C)[424]
  • National Lab Pathfinder - Vaccine - 2 (NLP-Vaccine-2)[425]
  • National Lab Pathfinder - Vaccine - 3 (NLP-Vaccine-3)[426]
  • National Lab Pathfinder - Vaccine - 4 (NLP-Vaccine-4)[427]
  • National Lab Pathfinder - Vaccine - 5 (NLP-Vaccine-5)[428]
  • Passive Observatories for Experimental Microbial Systems (POEMS)[429]
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae Expression of Genes in Space (SPEGIS)[430]
  • Surface, Water and Air Biocharacterization - A Comprehensive Characterization of Microorganisms and Allergens in Spacecraft Environment (SWAB)[431]
  • Yeast-Group Activation Packs (Yeast-GAP)[432]

Biologia vegetal

  • Advanced AstrocultureTM (ADVASC)[433]
  • Biomass Production System (BPS)[434]
  • Cambium (Cambium)[435]
  • Cell Wall/Reverse Genetic Approach to Exploring Genes Responsible for Cell Wall Dynamics in Supporting Tissues of Arabidopsis Under Microgravity Conditions and Resist Wall/Role of Microtubule-Membrane-Cell Wall Continuum in Gravity Resistance in Plants (CWRW)[436]
  • Gravity Related Genes in Arabidopsis - A (Genara-A)[437]
  • Threshold Acceleration for Gravisensing (Gravi)[438]
  • Threshold Acceleration for Gravisensing - 2 (Gravi-2)[439]
  • Validating Vegetable Production Unit (VPU) Plants, Protocols, Procedures and Requirements (P3R) Using Currently Existing Flight Resources (Lada-VPU-P3R)[440]
  • Molecular and Plant Physiological Analyses of the Microgravity Effects on Multigeneration Studies of Arabidopsis thaliana (Multigen)[441]
  • National Laboratory Pathfinder - Cells - 3: Jatropha Biofuels (NLP-Cells-3)[442]
  • The Optimization of Root Zone Substrates (ORZS) for Reduced Gravity Experiments Program (ORZS)[443]
  • Photosynthesis Experiment and System Testing and Operation (PESTO)[444]
  • Plant Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (PGBA)[445]
  • Transgenic Arabidopsis Gene Expression System (TAGES)[446]
  • Analysis of a Novel Sensory Mechanism in Root Phototropism (Tropi)[447]

Creixement de cristalls en proteïnes

  • Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Extraordinary Structural Features of Antibodies from Camelids (APCF-Camelids)[448]
  • Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Solution Flows and Molecular Disorder of Protein Crystals: Growth of High Quality Crystals, Motions of Lumazin Crystals and Growth of Ferritin Crystals (APCF-Crystal_Growth)[449]
  • Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Effect of Different Growth Conditions on the Quality of Thaumatin and Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetase Crystals Grown in Microgravity (APCF-Crystal_Quality)[450]
  • Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Crystallization of Human Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Subfractions in Microgravity (APCF-Lipoprotein)[451]
  • Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Testing New Trends in Microgravity Protein Crystallization (APCF-Lysozyme)[452]
  • Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Crystallization of the Next Generation of Octarellins (APCF-Octarellins)[453]
  • Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Protein Crystallization in Microgravity, Collagen Model (X-Y-Gly) Polypeptides - the case of (Pro-Pro-Gly) 10 (APCF-PPG10)[454]
  • Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Crystallization of Rhodopsin in Microgravity (APCF-Rhodopsin)[455]
  • Commercial Protein Crystal Growth - High Density (CPCG-H)[456]
  • Dynamically Controlled Protein Crystal Growth (DCPCG)[457]
  • Protein Crystal Growth-Enhanced Gaseous Nitrogen Dewar (PCG-EGN)[458]
  • Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Improved Diffraction Quality of Crystals (PCG-STES-IDQC)[459]
  • Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Crystallization of the Integral Membrane Protein Using Microgravity (PCG-STES-IMP)[460]
  • Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Synchrotron Based Mosaicity Measurements of Crystal Quality and Theoretical Modeling (PCG-STES-MM)[461]
  • Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Crystallization of the Mitochondrial Metabolite Transport Proteins (PCG-STES-MMTP)[462]
  • Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System - Crystal Growth Model System for Material Science (PCG-STES-MS)[463]
  • Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Engineering a Ribozyme for Diffraction Properties (PCG-STES-RDP)[464]
  • Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Regulation of Gene Expression (PCG-STES-RGE)[465]
  • Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Science and Applications of Facility Hardware for Protein Crystal Growth (PCG-STES-SA)[466]
  • Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Vapor Equilibrium Kinetics Studies (PCG-STES-VEKS)[467]

Altres experiments del camp

  • Dome Gene Experiment (DomeGene)[468]
  • Exposure Experiment (Expose)[469]
  • Fischer Rat Thyroid Low Serum 5% (FRTL5)[470]
  • High Quality Protein Crystallization (HQPC)[471]
  • Detection of Changes in LOH Profile of TK mutants of Human Cultured Cells (LOH) - Gene Expression of p53-Regulated Genes in Mammalian Cultured Cells After Exposure to Space Environment (LOH-RadGene)[472]
  • Effects of Microgravity on the Haemopoietic System: A Study on Neocytolysis (Neocytolysis)[473]
  • PAthway DIfferent ACtivators (PADIAC)[474]
  • ROle of Apoptosis in Lymphocyte Depression (ROALD)[475]
  • Study of Space Environment Effects on PY17 Bacterial Spores on board Space Shuttle (Spore)[476]
  • Waving and Coiling of Arabidopsis Roots at Different g-levels (WAICO)[477]

Ciències dels materials i físics


Ciència de la combustió

  • Smoke Point In Co-flow Experiment (SPICE)[479]

Física de fluids

  • Capillary Flow Experiment (CFE)[480]
  • DEvice for the study of Critical LIquids and Crystallization - High Temperature Insert (DECLIC-HTI)[481]
  • Fluid Merging Viscosity Measurement (FMVM)[482]
  • Miscible Fluids in Microgravity (MFMG)[483]
  • Shear History Extensional Rheology Experiment (SHERE)[484]
  • Selectable Optical Diagnostics Instrument-Influence of VIbrations on DIffusion of Liquids (SODI-IVIDIL)[485]

Ciència de materials

  • Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 3 and 4: Critical Point (BCAT-3-4-CP)[486]
  • Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 3: Binary Alloys (BCAT-3-BA)[487]
  • Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 3: Surface Crystallization (BCAT-3-SC)[488]
  • Binodal Colloidal Aggregation Test - 4: Polydispersion (BCAT-4-Poly)[489]
  • Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 5: Three-Dimensional Melt (BCAT-5-3D-Melt)[490]
  • Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 5: Compete (BCAT-5-Compete)[491]
  • Binary Colloidal Alloy Test-5: Phase Separation (BCAT-5-PhaseSep)[492]
  • Coarsening in Solid Liquid Mixtures-2 (CSLM-2)[493]
  • DEvice for the study of Critical LIquids and Crystallization - Directional Solidification Insert (DECLIC-DSI)[494]
  • EXPRESS Physics of Colloids in Space (EXPPCS)[495]
  • Viscous Liquid Foam - Bulk Metallic Glass (Foam)[496]
  • Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions (InSPACE)[497]
  • Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions - 2 (InSPACE-2)[498]
  • Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7, and 8)[499][500][501][502][503]
  • Materials Science Laboratory - Columnar-to-Equiaxed Transition in Solidification Processing and Microstructure Formation in Casting of Technical Alloys under Diffusive and Magnetically Controlled Convective Conditions (MSL-CETSOL_and_MICAST)[504]
  • Toward Understanding Pore Formation and Mobility During Controlled Directional Solidification in a Microgravity Environment (PFMI)[505]
  • Selectable Optical Diagnostics Instrument - Aggregation of Colloidal Solutions (SODI-Colloid) (Experiment de l'ISS)[506]
  • Space-Dynamically Responding Ultrasonic Matrix System (SpaceDRUMS)[507]
  • Solidification Using a Baffle in Sealed Ampoules (SUBSA)[508]
  • Zeolite Crystal Growth (ZCG)[509]

Altres experiments del camp

  • Fundamental and Applied Studies of Emulsion Stability (FASES)[510]
  • Simulation of Geophysical Fluid Flow Under Microgravity (Geoflow)[511]
  • Chaos, Turbulence and its Transition Process in Marangoni Convection (Marangoni)[512]

Desenvolupament tecnològic


Caracterització de l'ambient de microgravetat en l'ISS

  • Active Rack Isolation System - ISS Characterization Experiment (ARIS-ICE)[514]
  • Microgravity Acceleration Measurement System (MAMS)[515]
  • Space Acceleration Measurement System-II (SAMS-II)[516]

Control de l'entorn de l'ISS

  • Analyzing Interferometer for Ambient Air (ANITA)[517]
  • JPL Electronic Nose (ENose)[518]
  • Lab-on-a-Chip Application Development-Portable Test System (LOCAD-PTS)[519]
  • Lab-on-a-Chip Application Development-Portable Test System - Exploration (LOCAD-PTS-Exploration)[520]
  • Vehicle Cabin Atmosphere Monitor (VCAM)[521]

Tecnologies de picosatèl·lits i el seu control

  • Avatar Explore: Autonomous Robotic Operations Performed from the ISS (Avatar_Explore)[522][523]
  • Dual RF Astrodynamic GPS Orbital Navigator Satellite (DRAGONSat)[524]
  • Middeck Active Control Experiment-II (MACE-II)[525]
  • Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites (SPHERES)[526]
  • Space Test Program-H2-Microelectromechanical System-Based (MEMS) PICOSAT Inspector (STP-H2-MEPSI)[527]
  • Space Test Program-H2-Radar Fence Transponder (STP-H2-RAFT)[528]

Materials de naus espacials

  • Elastic Memory Composite Hinge (EMCH)[529]
  • In Space Soldering Investigation (ISSI)[530]
  • Pico-Satellite Solar Cell Experiment (PSSC)[531]
  • Rigidizable Inflatable Get-Away-Special Experiment (RIGEX)[532][533][534]

Sistemes de naus espacials

  • Boiling eXperiment Facility - Microheater Array Boiling Experiment (BXF-MABE)[535]
  • Boiling eXperiment Facility - Nucleate Pool Boiling eXperiment (BXF-NPBX)[536]
  • Dust and Aerosol Measurement Feasibility Test (DAFT)[537]
  • Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN)[538]
  • Maui Analysis of Upper Atmospheric Injections (MAUI)[539]
  • Multi-User Droplet Combustion Apparatus - Flame Extinguishment Experiment (MDCA-FLEX)[540]
  • Smoke and Aerosol Measurement Experiment (SAME)[541]
  • Space Communications and Navigation Testbed (SCAN_Testbed)[542]
  • Shuttle Exhaust Ion Turbulence Experiments (SEITE)[543]
  • Shuttle Ionospheric Modification with Pulsed Localized Exhaust Experiments (SIMPLEX)[544]
  • Serial Network Flow Monitor (SNFM)[545]

Entorns orbitals i naus espacials

  • Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment - 2 (ANDE-2)[546]
  • Ram Burn Observations (RAMBO)[547]
  • Space Test Program-H2-Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment (STP-H2-ANDE)[548]

Altres experiments del camp

  • DEBris In Orbit Evaluator - 2 (DEBIE-2)[549]
  • EuTEF Thermometer (EuTemp)[550]
  • Earth Viewing Camera (EVC)[551]
  • Activation and Test Downlink of HDTV System (JAXA-HDTV)[552]
  • Particle Flux Demonstrator (Particle_Flux)[553]
  • Tribology Laboratory (TriboLab)[554]

Ciència espacial i terrestre


Ciència terrestres

  • Agricultural Camera (AgCam)[556]
  • Crew Earth Observations (CEO)[557]
  • Crew Earth Observations - International Polar Year (CEO-IPY)[558]

Ciència espacial

Altres controls i observatoris del planeta

  • DOSimetry TELescopes (DOSTEL)[560]
  • Flux (Phi) Probe EXperiment - Time resolved Measurement of Atomic Oxygen (FIPEX)[561]
  • HICO and RAIDS Experiment Payload - Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HREP-HICO)[562]
  • HICO and RAIDS Experiment Payload - Remote Atmospheric and Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS) (HREP-RAIDS)[563]
  • RaDI-N (RaDI-N)[564]

Resultats d'operacions a l'ISS


Ciència inicial per a la tripulació

  • Science of Opportunity (Saturday_Morning_Science)[566]

Activitats educatives

  • Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)[567]
  • Education - How Solar Cells Work (Education-Solar_Cells)[568]
  • International Space Station Inflight Education Downlinks (Inflight_Education_Downlinks)[569]

Control de l'entorn de l'ISS

  • Anomalous Long Term Effects in Astronauts' - Dosimetry (ALTEA-Dosi)[570]
  • International Space Station Acoustic Measurement Program (ISS_Acoustics)[571]

Control mèdic de membres de l'ISS

  • Clinical Nutrition Assessment of ISS Astronauts, SMO-016E (Clinical_Nutrition_Assessment)[572]

Sistemes de naus espacials

  • International Space Station Zero-Propellant Maneuver (ZPM) Demonstration (ZPM)[573]

Entorns orbitals i naus espacials

  • Analysis of International Space Station Plasma Interaction (Plasma_Interaction_Model)[574]

Station Development Test Objective

  • Validation of On-Orbit Methodology for the Assessment of Cardiac Function and Changes in the Circulating Volume Using Ultrasound and Braslet-M Occlusion Cuffs, SDTO 17011 U/R (Braslet)[575]
  • Component Repair Experiment - 1, SDTO 17012U (CRE-1)[576]
  • Soldering in Reduced Gravity Experiment, SDTO 17003-U (SoRGE)[577]
  • Solid State Lighting Module, SDTO 15008U (SSLM)[578]

Supplementary Medical Objective

  • Periodic Fitness Evaluation with Oxygen Uptake Measurement (PFE-OUM)[579]

Activitats científiques i investigació d'Energia RSC a l'ISS


Investigació de la vida humana


  • Sprut-MBI (Experiment de l'ISS)[582]
  • Parodont (Experiment de l'ISS)[583]
  • Cardio-ODNT (Experiment de l'ISS)[584]
  • Mass Transfer (Experiment de l'ISS)[585]
  • Prognos (Experiment de l'ISS)[586]
  • Brados (Experiment de l'ISS)[587]
  • Farma (Experiment de l'ISS)[588]
  • Poligen (Experiment de l'ISS)[589]
  • Diurez (Experiment de l'ISS)[590]
  • Biotest (Experiment de l'ISS)[591]
  • Biotest-1 (Experiment de l'ISS)[592]
  • Profilaktika (Experiment de l'ISS)[593]
  • Pulse (Experiment de l'ISS)[594]
  • BIMS (Experiment de l'ISS)[595]
  • Biorisk (Experiment de l'ISS)[596]
  • Rastenia-2 (Experiment de l'ISS)[597]
  • Pilot (Experiment de l'ISS)[598]
  • Intercellular Interaction (Experiment de l'ISS)[599]
  • Gematologia (Experiment de l'ISS)[600]
  • Plasmida (Experiment de l'ISS)[601]
  • Statokonia (Experiment de l'ISS)[602]
  • Regeneratsia (Experiment de l'ISS)[603]
  • Akvarium (Experiment de l'ISS)[604]
  • Sonokard (Experiment de l'ISS)[605]
  • Vzaimodeystviye (Experiment de l'ISS)[606]
  • Dykhanie (Experiment de l'ISS)[607]
  • Pneumocard (Experiment de l'ISS)[608]
  • Rastenia (Experiment de l'ISS)[609]
  • Tipologia (Experiment de l'ISS)[610]

Investigació geofísica


  • Uragan (Experiment de l'ISS)[612]
  • Relaksatsia (Experiment de l'ISS)[613]
  • Molnyia-SM (Experiment de l'ISS)[614]
  • Vsplesk (Experiment de l'ISS)[615]
  • Impuls (Experiment de l'ISS)[616]
  • Plazma-Progress (Experiment de l'ISS)[617]
  • Plazma-MKS (Experiment de l'ISS)[618]
  • Ten'-Mayak (Experiment de l'ISS)[619]

Cerca de recursos terrestres


  • Diatomeya (Experiment de l'ISS)[621]
  • Volny (Experiment de l'ISS)[622]
  • Rusalka (Experiment de l'ISS)[623]
  • Seiner (Experiment de l'ISS)[624]
  • Ekon (Experiment de l'ISS)[625]

Biotecnologia espacial


  • CPCF-2 (Experiment de l'ISS)[627]
  • Mimetik-K (Experiment de l'ISS)[628]
  • Biodegradation (Experiment de l'ISS)[629]
  • Conjugation (Experiment de l'ISS)[630]
  • MSK (Experiment de l'ISS)[631]
  • KAF (Experiment de l'ISS)[632]
  • Vaktsina-K (Experiment de l'ISS)[633]
  • Bioekologia (Experiment de l'ISS)[634]
  • Interleukin-K (Experiment de l'ISS)[635]
  • Bioemulsia (Experiment de l'ISS)[636]
  • Glikoproteid (Experiment de l'ISS)[637]
  • Biotrek (Experiment de l'ISS)[638]
  • Antigen (Experiment de l'ISS)[639]
  • Lactolen (Experiment de l'ISS)[640]
  • ARIL (Experiment de l'ISS)[641]
  • OChB (Experiment de l'ISS)[642]
  • Astrovaktsina (Experiment de l'ISS)[643]
  • Zhenshen-2 (Experiment de l'ISS)[644]
  • Kaskad (Experiment de l'ISS)[645]
  • BIF (Experiment de l'ISS)[646]
  • Bakteriofag (Experiment de l'ISS)[647]
  • Structura (Experiment de l'ISS)[648]
  • Konstanta (Experiment de l'ISS)[649]

Investigació tècnica


  • Tenzor (Experiment de l'ISS)[651]
  • Iskazhenye (Experiment de l'ISS)[652]
  • Privyazka (Experiment de l'ISS)[653]
  • Identificatsia (Experiment de l'ISS)[654]
  • Izgib (Experiment de l'ISS)[655]
  • Infrazvuk-M (Experiment de l'ISS)[656]
  • Meteoroid (Experiment de l'ISS)[657]
  • Vektor-T (Experiment de l'ISS)[658]
  • Scorpion (Experiment de l'ISS)[659]
  • Kromka (Experiment de l'ISS)[660]
  • Acoustika-M (Experiment de l'ISS)[661]
  • Toksichnost (Experiment de l'ISS)[662]
  • Radioskaf (Experiment de l'ISS)[663]
  • Sreda-MKS (Experiment de l'ISS)[664]
  • Infotekh (Experiment de l'ISS)[665]
  • Kontur (Experiment de l'ISS)[666]
  • Veterok (Experiment de l'ISS)[667]
  • BAR (Experiment de l'ISS)[668]
  • Expert (Experiment de l'ISS)[669]

Activitats del contracte


  • GTS (Experiment de l'ISS)[671]
  • GTS-2 (Experiment de l'ISS)[672]
  • Vzglyad (Experiment de l'ISS)[673]
  • Biosfera (Experiment de l'ISS)[674]
  • LEGO (Experiment de l'ISS)[675]
  • Popular Mechanics (Experiment de l'ISS)[676]
  • MPAC & SEED (Experiment de l'ISS)[677]
  • HDTV (Experiment de l'ISS)[678]
  • Starmail (Experiment de l'ISS)[679]
  • GCF-JAXA (Experiment de l'ISS)[680]
  • ROKVISS (Experiment de l'ISS)[681]
  • Neurocog (Experiment de l'ISS)[682]
  • Cardiocog (Experiment de l'ISS)[683]
  • Neurocog-3 (Experiment de l'ISS)[684]
  • 3DPC (Experiment de l'ISS)[685]
  • 3DPC-2 (Experiment de l'ISS)[686]
  • SCN (Experiment de l'ISS)[687]
  • Cardiocog-4 (Experiment de l'ISS)[688]
  • NOA (Experiment de l'ISS)[689]
  • IMMUNO (Experiment de l'ISS)[690]
  • Golf (Experiment de l'ISS)[691]
  • Myocite (Experiment de l'ISS)[692]
  • Stroma (Experiment de l'ISS)[693]
  • Amphybody (Experiment de l'ISS)[694]
  • Tubul (Experiment de l'ISS)[695]
  • MIA (Experiment de l'ISS)[696]
  • NKA (Experiment de l'ISS)[697]
  • Bioculture (Experiment de l'ISS)[698]
  • Altcriss (Experiment de l'ISS)[699]
  • Cult (Experiment de l'ISS)[700]
  • Sample-LDM (Experiment de l'ISS)[701]
  • AT-SPACE (Experiment de l'ISS)[702]
  • BIOKIN 4 (Experiment de l'ISS)[703]
  • PKINASE (Experiment de l'ISS)[704]
  • EXPOSE-R (Experiment de l'ISS)[705]
  • Pille-Simonyi-2 (Experiment de l'ISS)[706]
  • Sample (Experiment de l'ISS)[707]

Estudi dels raigs còsmics


  • Platan (Experiment de l'ISS)[709]
  • BTN-Neutron (Experiment de l'ISS)[710]
  • Matryoshka-R (Experiment de l'ISS)[711]

Projectes eduactius i humanitàris


  • Kolibry Project (Experiment de l'ISS)[713]
  • Konstructor Project (Experiment de l'ISS)[714]
  • MATI-75 (Experiment de l'ISS)[715]
  • MAI-75 (Experiment de l'ISS)[716]
  • Fizika-Obrazovanie (Experiment de l'ISS)[717]

Tecnologia espacial i ciència de materials


  • SVS (Experiment de l'ISS)[719]
  • Kristallizator (Experiment de l'ISS)[720]
  • PKE Nefedov plasma crystal experiment[277][278] (experiment rus/alemany, 1998 - 2004)
  • PK-3 Plus plasma crystal experiment[279][280][281] (experiment rus/alemany)

Programes estrangers



En el maig de 2011, la missió STS-134 del Transbordador Espacial Endeavour se'n va endur 13 kits de Lego a l'ISS, on els astronautes van construir models i van veure com reaccionen en condicions de microgravetat, com a part del programa Lego Bricks in Space. Els resultats van ser compartits amb escoles com a part d'un projecte educatiu.[722][723]


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  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 «Fields of Research». NASA, 26-06-2007. Arxivat de l'original el 23 de gener 2008. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
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  53. «ARCTIC Refrigerator-Freezer (ARCTIC)». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  54. «Biotechnology Specimen Temperature Controller (BSTC)». Arxivat de l'original el 2007-11-06. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  55. «Biotechnology Temperature Refrigerator (BTR)». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  56. «Boiling Experiment Facility (BXF) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2007-11-06. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
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  59. «Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (CGBA)- NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  60. «Commercial Plant Biotechnology Facility (CPBF) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  61. «Commercial Refrigerator Incubator Module - Modified (CRIM-M) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  62. «European Modular Cultivation System (EMCS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  63. «Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
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  65. «Image Processing Unit (IPU) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  66. «Mice Drawer System Facility (MDS_Facility) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-31. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
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  70. «Protein Crystallization Research Facility (PCRF) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2007-11-06. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
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  74. «Solution Crystallization Observation Facility (SCOF) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  75. «Space Linear Acceleration Mass Measurement Device (SLAMMD) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  76. «Human Research Facility Ultrasound on the International Space Station (Ultrasound) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
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  87. «General Laboratory Active Cryogenic ISS Experiment Refrigerator». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-28. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  88. «Microgravity Experiment Research Locker Incubator». Arxivat de l'original el 2007-11-09. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  89. «T-Cell Growth System». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  90. «Biotube». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-31. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  91. «Kennedy Space Center Gaseous Nitrogen Freezer». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-31. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  92. «Science on the Station (bottom center of the page)». Canadian Space Agency. [Consulta: 2 febrer 2010].
  93. «APEX-CAMBIUM - Advanced Plant Experiments on Orbit - CSA». Arxivat de l'original el 2014-12-13. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  94. «BCAT-5 - Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - CSA». Arxivat de l'original el 2014-12-13. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  95. BISE - Bodies In the Space Environment - CSA
  96. CCISS - Space travel can be dizzying - CSA
  97. EVARM - Radiation monitoring experiment - CSA
  98. H-Reflex - CSA
  99. «MEIS-2 - CSA». Arxivat de l'original el 2014-12-13. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  100. MVIS - CSA
  101. PMDIS - CSA
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  107. «Erasmus Experiment Archive: SPACE STATIONS MISSIONS». European Space Agency. [Consulta: 2 febrer 2010].
  108. Characterisation of the effects of microgravity on the mechanism of action of Vitamin D in Osteoblasts (VITAMIN D) - ESA
  109. Embryonic development of amphibians in weightlessness (AQUARIUS) - ESA
  110. ROle of Apoptosis in Lymphocyte Depression (ROALD) - ESA
  111. Un model per a la investigació dels mecanismes de les malalties del cor i els mecanismes d'activació de l'activitat simpàtica en els éssers humans durant els vols espacials (CARD) - ESA
  112. Blood pressure circadian rhythms in weightlessness (BMI) - ESA
  113. Blood pressure Measurement Instrument (BMI) - ESA
  114. CARDIOCOG-2 - ESA
  115. CARDIOCOG-2 - ESA
  116. CARDIOCOG-2 - ESA
  117. Cardiovascular adaptation to weightlessness (RHYTHM) - ESA
  118. Effects of microgravity on the peripheral subcutaneous veno-arteriolar reflex in humans. (XENON-1) - ESA
  119. Measurement of heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and blood flow to obtain heart rate variability, blood pressure variability and blood distribution. (SPACE RHYTHMS) - ESA
  120. One-day (24-hour) pattern of blood pressure and heart rate in weightlessness (CIRCA) - ESA
  121. Physiological parameters that predict orthostatic intolerance after spaceflight (AORTA) - ESA
  122. Physiological parameters that predict orthostatic intolerance after spaceflight (AORTA) - ESA
  123. Physiological Parameters That Predict Orthostatic Intolerance After Spaceflight (HEART) - ESA
  124. Studies of airway inflammation during space flight (NOA-1) - ESA
  125. Studies of airway inflammation during space flight (NOA-1) - ESA
  126. Studies of venous gas emboli during extravehicular activity procedures (NOA-2) - ESA
  127. Study of the evolution of cardiovascular deconditioning phenomena under weightless conditions (CARDIOSCIENCE) - ESA
  128. Bone cell mechanosensitivity in weightlessness (FLOW) - ESA
  129. Chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes of astronauts (CHROMOSOME) - ESA
  130. Chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes of astronauts (CHROMOSOMES) - ESA
  135. Cosmic radiation and microgravity related oxidative stress (RAMIROS) - ESA
  136. Effects of microgravity on expression of calcium channels in myocyte - MYOCYTE - ESA
  137. Expression of microbial genes in space (GENE) - ESA
  138. Fischer Rat Thyroid Low serum 5% (FRTL5) - ESA
  139. Microbiological Experiment on Space Station About Gene Expression (MESSAGE) - ESA
  140. Microbiological Experiment on Space Station About Gene Expression (MESSAGE) - ESA
  141. Natural killer cell activity in microgravity - NKANatural killer cell activity in microgravity - NKA - ESA
  142. Signalling through Rho GTPases in microgravity (RHO SIGNALLING) - ESA
  143. Yeast In No Gravity - Part 1 (YING-A) - ESA
  144. Yeast In No Gravity - Part 2 (YING-B) - ESA
  145. Effects of the gravity altered environment on Drosophilia motility, behaviour and ageing (AGEING) - ESA
  146. First International C.elegans Experiment: Physiological and genomic study of a nematode worm in space (ICE-first) - ESA
  147. The antibody V(D)J recombination machinery in normal and altered gravity - AMPHIBODY - ESA
  148. A demonstration of Newton's Three Laws of Motion (VIDEO-2) - ESA
  149. Amateur Radio on ISS (ARISS) - ESA
  150. A test of the basic principles of mechanics (THEBAS) - ESA
  151. Determination of the effect of gravity on the development of a colony of bacteria (WINOGRAD) - ESA
  152. DVD 4 - ESA
  153. Electronic - Learning (E-Learning) - ESA
  154. Erasmus Recording Binocular 2 (ERB-2) - ESA
  155. Erasmus Recording Binocular (ERB) - ESA
  156. Neo-Cartilage Formation in Microgravity Environment (CHONDRO) - ESA
  157. Seeds in Space (SEEDS) - ESA
  158. Study of output of bacterial fuel cells in weightlessness (BugNRG) - ESA
  159. Study of the behaviour of a rigid body rotating around its centre of mass (APIS) - ESA
  160. VIDEO-3 (VI3): Filmed demonstrations of the effects of weightlessness on the human body. - ESA
  161. Cell-Cell Interaction of Monocytes and T-Lymphocytes in microgravity - MIA - ESA
  162. IMMUNO - ESA
  163. Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) - ESA
  164. Neuroendocrine and immune responses in humans during and after long term stay at ISS (IMMUNO) - ESA
  165. Neuroendocrine and immune responses in humans during and after long term stay at ISS (IMMUNO) - ESA
  166. Role of weightlessness on actin metabolism in mammalian cells (ACTIN) - ESA
  167. Sympathoadrenal activity in humans during spaceflight (SYMPATHO-2) - ESA
  168. Sympathoadrenal activity in humans during spaceflight (SYMPATHO-2) - ESA
  169. Sympathoadrenal activity in humans during spaceflight (SYMPATHO-2) - ESA
  170. Sympathoadrenal activity in humans during spaceflight (SYMPATHO-2) - ESA
  171. Dosimetry for biological experiments in space (DOBIES) - ESA
  172. Molecular adaptation strategies of micro-organisms to different space and planetary UV climate conditions (ADAPT) - ESA
  173. Photo-and exobiology experiment (EXPOSE-R and EXPOSE-E) - ESA
  174. PRebiotic Organic ChEmistry on Space Station (PROCESS) - ESA
  175. Resistance of lichens and lithic fungi at space conditions (LIFE) - ESA
  176. Resistance of spacecraft isolates to outer space for planetary protection purposes (PROTECT) - ESA
  177. Testing the plant seed as a terrestrial model for panspermia vehicle and as a source for universal UV screens (SEEDS) - ESA
  178. Renal stone risk during spaceflight: Assessment and countermeasure validation (RENAL STONE) - ESA
  179. Cardiac Adapted Sleep Parameters Electrocardiogram Recorder (CASPER) - ESA
  180. Cultural determinants of performance and error management at the International Space Station (CULT) - ESA
  181. Cultural determinants of performance and error management at the International Space Station (CULT) - ESA
  182. Ambiguous Tilt and Translation Motion Cues After Space Flight (Zag) - ESA
  183. Astronaut's Energy Requirements for Long-Term Space Flight (ENERGY) - ESA
  184. Bone Proteomics (BOP) - ESA
  185. Otolith Assessment During Postflight Re-adaptation (Otolith) - ESA
  186. Physiological analysis of skin in space (SKIN) - ESA
  187. SOdium LOading in Microgravity (SOLO) - ESA
  188. The effect of gravitational context on EEG dynamics: A study of spatial cognition, novelty processing and sensorimotor integration (NEUROSPAT) - ESA
  189. Validation of Centrifugation as a Countermeasure for Otolith Deconditioning During Spaceflight (Spin) - ESA
  190. Blood and Oxidative Stress - ESA
  191. Effects of microgravity on the haemopoietic system: A study on neocytolysis (NEOCYTOLYSIS) - ESA
  192. Monitoring Latent Virus Reactivation and Shedding in Crewmembers (VIRUS) - ESA
  193. PAthway DIfferent ACtivators (PADIAC) - ESA
  194. Role of interleukin-2 receptor in signal transduction and gravisensing threshold of T-lymphocytes (LEUKIN) - ESA
  195. Space flight induced reactivation of latent Epstein-Barr virus (EPSTEIN-BARR) - ESA
  196. The influence of weightlessness on the activation of NF-κB protein (KAPPA) - ESA
  197. Long Term Microgravity: A Model for Investigating Mechanisms of Heart Disease with New Portable Equipment (CARD) - ESA
  198. Bacteria Adaptation to Space Environment - Part 1 (BASE-A) - ESA
  199. Microbial Growth Kinetics Under Conditions of Microgravity (Biokin) - ESA
  200. Microbial life in Space: Response to environmental factors in a space vehicle (MICROSPACE) - ESA
  201. Molecular and physiological analysis of bacterial samples isolated from manned spacecraft (SAMPLE) - ESA
  202. SAMPLE - ESA
  203. Study of the composition, physiology and possible adaptation of microbial communities exposed to weightlessness (SAMPLE) - ESA
  204. Crews Health: Investigation on Reduced Operability (CHIRO) - ESA
  205. Hand Posture Analyser (HPA) - ESA
  206. Low Back Pain - ESA
  207. Low back pain (MUSCLE) - ESA
  208. Neo-Cartilage Formation in Microgravity Environment (CHONDRO) - ESA
  209. Response to microgravity of adult stem cells and osteoprogenitors from bone marrow - STROMA 2 - ESA
  210. Study of lower back pain in astronauts during spaceflight (MUSCLE) - ESA
  211. Crickets In Space 2 (CRISP-2) - ESA
  212. The effect of gravitational context on EEG dynamics: A study of spatial cognition, novelty processing and sensorimotor integration (NEUROSPAT) - ESA
  213. An investigation of space radiation effects on the functional state of the central nervous system and an operator's working capacity (ALTEINO) - ESA
  214. Cognitive process for 3-D orientation perception and navigation in weightlessness (COGNI) - ESA
  215. Directed attention brain potentials in virtual 3D space in weightlessness (NEUROCOG) - ESA
  216. Directed attention brain potentials in virtual 3D space in Weightlessness (NEUROCOG) - ESA
  217. Evaluation of the orientation of Listing's plane using the Eye Tracker Device (ETD) - ESA
  218. Evaluation of the orientation of Listing's plane using the Eye Tracker Device (ETD) - ESA
  219. Measurement by Eye Tracking Device in orientation of the Listings plane (ETD) - ESA
  220. Orientation of Listing's plane measurement by the Eye Tracking Device (ETD) - ESA
  221. Mental Representation of Spatial Cues During Space Flight (3D-Space) - ESA
  222. Motion perception: Vestibular adaptation to G-transitions (MOP) - ESA
  223. Motion perception: Vestibular adaptation to G-transitions (MOP) - ESA
  224. On the contribution of visceral receptors to the sense of subjective vertical - ESA
  225. Sleep-wake actigraphy and light exposure during spaceflight (SLEEP) - ESA
  226. Stress, cognition and physiological response during spaceflight. (COGNISPACE) - ESA
  227. Agrospace Experiments Suite - ESA
  228. Arabidopsis Thaliana in Space: Perception of Gravity, Signal Transduction and Graviresponse in Higher Plants (AT-Space) - ESA
  229. Effects of the space environment on the nuclear structure and function of plant root meristematic cells grown in microgravity (ROOT) - ESA
  230. Influence of gravity on the cytoskeleton and the determination of the division plane in plants (TUBUL) - ESA
  231. Study into interaction of effect of light and gravity on the growth processes of plants (GraPhoBox) - ESA
  232. Threshold Acceleration for Gravisensing (GRAVI 1) - ESA
  233. Vine In Near Orbit (VINO) - ESA
  234. Waving and Coiling of Arabidopsis Roots at Different g-levels (WAICO) - ESA
  235. [enllaç sense format]
  236. Special Event Meals (SEM) - ESA
  237. Advanced Dosimetric Telescope on EuTEF (DOSTEL) - ESA
  238. ALTEINO long term monitoring of cosmic rays on the International Space Station (ALTCRISS) - ESA
  239. ALTEINO long term monitoring of cosmic rays on the International Space Station (ALTCRISS) - ESA
  240. ALTEINO long term monitoring of cosmic rays on the International Space Station (ALTCRISS) - ESA
  241. Biodosimetry in astronauts - ESA
  242. MATROSHKA-1 - ESA
  243. Mesurament dels riscos de radiació en l'espai (MATROSHKA-2a) - ESA
  244. Measuring radiation hazards in space (MATROSHKA-2a) - ESA
  245. Mesurament dels riscos de radiació en l'espai (MATROSHKA-2a) - ESA
  246. Estudi de la distribució de dosi en profunditat a l'interior d'un ésser humà usant maniquí amb l'equip MATROSHKA a bord [sic] del segment rus de l'Estació Espacial Internacional (MATROSHKA-2B) - ESA
  247. Cardiorespiratory adaptation to the space environment (CARDIORESPIR) - ESA
  248. ESANO-1 - ESA
  249. ESANO-2 - ESA
  250. Lightning and Sprites Observations (LSO) - ESA
  251. Lightning and Sprites Observations (LSO) - ESA
  252. Lightning and Sprites Observations (LSO) - ESA
  253. Lightning and Sprites Observations (LSO) - ESA
  254. Combustion synthesis under microgravity conditions (COSMIC) - ESA
  255. Earth Viewing Camera (EVC) - ESA
  256. Observation of environmental phenomena (IMEDIAS) - ESA
  257. A demonstration of physical phenomena in space. (VIDEO) - ESA
  258. Amateur Radio on ISS (ARISS) - ESA
  259. Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) - ESA
  260. Amateur radio on the ISS (ARISS) - ESA
  261. Amateur radio on the ISS (ARISS) - ESA
  262. Earth Viewing Camera (EVC) - ESA
  263. Electrostatic Self-Assembly Demonstration (ESD) - ESA
  264. Oil emulsion experiment - ESA
  265. SOLar Auto-Calibrating EUV/UV Spectrophotometers (SOLACES) - ESA
  266. SOLar SPECtral Irradiance Measurements (SOLSPEC) - ESA
  267. SOlar Variable and Irradiance Monitor (SOVIM) - ESA
  268. Selectable Optical Diagnostics Instrument-Influence of VIbrations on DIffusion of Liquids (SODI-IVIDIL) - ESA
  269. Simulation of Geophysical Fluid Flow Under Microgravity (Geoflow) - ESA
  270. Foam Casting and Utilization in Space (FOCUS)Foam Casting and Utilization in Space (FOCUS) - ESA
  271. Foam-Stability (Foam-Stability) - ESA
  272. Influence of mass transport and surface growth processes on protein crystal perfection (PCDF/PROTEIN) - ESA
  273. Columnar-to-Equiaxed Transition in Solidification Processing and Microstructure Formation in Casting of Technical Alloys under Diffusive and Magnetically Controlled Convective Conditions (CETSOL and MICAST) - ESA
  274. Study of aggregation mechanism and kinetics of ZSM-5 and Silicalite-1 nanoslabs into ZSM-5 / Silicalite-1 hybrid phases under microgravity conditions (NANOSLAB) - ESA
  275. Study of the structure and morphology of zeogrids obtained under microgravity conditions (ZEOGRID) - ESA
  276. Atomic densities measured Radially in metal halide lamps under microGravity conditions with Emission and absorption Spectroscopy (ARGES) - ESA
  277. 277,0 277,1 PKE-Nefedov extended research programme Growth of particles under microgravity conditions - ESA
  278. 278,0 278,1 «PKE Nefedov - MPE». Arxivat de l'original el 2015-09-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  279. 279,0 279,1 Plasma crystal research on the ISS (PK-3 Plus) - ESA
  280. 280,0 280,1 Plasma crystal research on the ISS (PK-3 Plus) - ESA
  281. 281,0 281,1 «PK-3 Plus - MPE». Arxivat de l'original el 2016-03-03. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  282. Diffusion coefficients in crude oils (DCCO) - ESA
  283. Defects in biomolecular crystals induced by growth in space and on Earth (PROMISS) - ESA
  284. Granada Crystallisation Facility (GCF) - ESA
  285. PROMISS-4 - ESA
  286. Active monitoring of the UV and ionising radiation conditions (R3D) - ESA
  287. Advanced Dosimetric Telescope on EuTEF (DOSTEL) - ESA
  288. Dose Distribution inside ISS (DOSIS) - ESA
  289. Material Exposure and Degradation Experiment (MEDET) - ESA
  290. Particle Flux Demonstrator (Particle_Flux) - ESA
  291. Study of the depth dose distribution inside a human phantom using the MATROSHKA facility onboard [sic] the Russian Segment of the International Space Station (MATROSHKA-2B) - ESA
  292. Tribology properties of materials in space (TRIBOLAB) - ESA
  293. Under The Background Influence (UTBI) - ESA
  294. Study of aggregation mechanism and kinetics of ZSM-5 and Silicate-1 nanoslabs into ZSM-5/Silicate-1 hybrid phases under near weightless conditions (NANOSLAB) - ESA
  295. Evaluation of a multi-purpose bag specially designed to assist an astronaut to manipulate objects in a weightless environment (MIRSUPIO) - ESA
  296. Functional in-orbit test of a new integrated crew garment system (VEST) - ESA
  297. Heat transfer performances of a grooved heat pipe (HEAT) - ESA
  298. Mouse Telemeter: Calibration of STAR accelerometers (MOT) - ESA
  299. Study of particle spectra and their influence on advanced components (SPICA-S) - ESA
  300. Tactile display aided orientation awareness (SUIT) - ESA
  301. 3D Camera (3DC) - ESA
  302. Analysis Experimentation Implementation Algorithms - ESA
  303. Electric Nose Monitoring (ENM) - ESA
  304. Electronics Space Test (EST) - ESA
  305. Erasmus Recording Binocular 2 (ERB-2) - ESA
  306. Erasmus Recording Binocular (ERB) - ESA
  307. Esperimento di Navigazione per Evento Italiano Dimostrativo di EGNOS (ENEIDE) - ESA
  308. EuTEMP - ESA
  309. Food Tray in Space (FTS) - ESA
  310. Garments for Orbital Activities in weightLessness (GOAL) and Vestibular Adaptation to G-Transitions: Motion Perception (GOAL/MOP) - ESA
  311. Heart Beat Monitoring (HBM) - ESA
  312. Low Altitude Zone Ionising Observatory (LAZIO) - ESA
  313. Specular Point-like Quick Reference (SPQR) - ESA
  314. JAXA | Space Environment Utilization and Space Experiment. Retrieved on 2010-08-14.
  315. Experiment - Kibo Japanese Experimental Module - JAXA Arxivat 2010-02-23 a Wayback Machine.. Retrieved on 2010-08-14.
  316. «List of Kibo experiments by theme and/or facility». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-12-14. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  317. 317,0 317,1 JAXA. Current Status of Research Themes for Kibo First Phase Utilization. 
  318. «Chaos, Turbulence and its Transition Process in Marangoni Convection Marangoni Exp/MEIS (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  319. «Spatio-temporal Flow Structure in Marangoni Convection (Marangoni UVP/MaranGoniat) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  320. «Experimental Assessment of Dynamic Surface Deformation Effects in Transition to Oscillatory Thermo capillary Flow in Liquid Bridge of High Prandtl Number Fluid (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  321. «Pattern Formation during Ice Crystal Growth (Ice Crystal) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-02-20. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  322. «Investigation on Mechanism of Faceted Cellular Array Growth (Facet) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  323. «Gene expression of p53-regulated Genes in Mammalian Cultured Cells after Exposure to Space Environment (Rad Gene) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  324. «Detection of Changes in LOH Profile of TK mutants of Human Cultured Cells (LOH) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  325. «Integrated Assessment of Long-term Cosmic Radiation Through Biological Responses of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori, in Space (Rad Silk) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  326. «Hydrotropism and Auxin-Inducible Gene Expression in Roots Grown under Microgravity Conditions (Hydro Tropi) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  327. «Life Cycle of Higher Plants under Microgravity Conditions (Space Seed) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  328. «Regulation by Gravity of Ferulate Formation in Cell Walls of Rice Seedlings (Ferulate) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  329. «High Quality Protein Crystallization Research (HQPC) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-03-17. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  330. «Passive Dosimeter for Life Science Experiments in Space (PADLES) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-12. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  331. «High Definition TeleVision transmitting system (HDTV) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-12. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  332. «Current Status of Research Themes for Kibo First Phase Utilization - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-12-14. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  333. «Bisphosphonates as a Countermeasure to Space Flight Induced Bone Loss (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-12. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  334. Space Poem Chain (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA
  335. «Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  336. «Space Environment Data Acquisition Equipment - Attached Payload (SEDA-AP) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-11. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  337. «Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb Emission Sounder (SMILES) (Experiment de l'ISS) - JAXA». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  338. NASA - NASA - Space Station Science Arxivat 2006-10-02 a Wayback Machine.. (2010-07-19). Retrieved on 2010-08-14.
  339. «Human Research and Countermeasure Development for Exploration - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2008-11-01. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  340. «Effect of Prolonged Space Flight on Human Skeletal Muscle (Biopsy) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  341. «Bisphosphonates as a Countermeasure to Space Flight Induced Bone Loss (Bisphosphonates) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-10-28. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  342. «Commercial Biomedical Testing Module: Effects of Osteoprotegerin on Bone Maintenance in Microgravity (CBTM) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2007-11-30. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  343. «Commercial Biomedical Test Module - 2 (CBTM-2) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-07-15. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  344. «Foot Reaction Forces During Space Flight (Foot) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  345. «Effects of Altered Gravity on Spinal Cord Excitability (H-Reflex) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  346. «Hand Posture Analyzer (HPA) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-06-14. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  347. «Renal Stone Risk During Spaceflight: Assessment and Countermeasure Validation (Renal_Stone) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  348. «Spinal Elongation and its Effects on Seated Height in a Microgravity Environment (Spinal_Elongation) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-09-14. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  349. «Subregional Assessment of Bone Loss in the Axial Skeleton in Long-term Space Flight (Subregional_Bone) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  350. «Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Control on Return from ISS (CCISS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2007-11-02. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  351. «Cardiac Atrophy and Diastolic Dysfunction During and After Long Duration Spaceflight: Functional Consequences for Orthostatic Intolerance, Exercise Capability and Risk for Cardiac Arrhythmias (Integrated_Cardiovascular) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-10-13. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  352. «Test of Midodrine as a Countermeasure Against Post-flight Orthostatic Hypotension - Long (Midodrine-Long) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  353. «Test of Midodrine as a Countermeasure Against Post-flight Orthostatic Hypotension - Short Duration Biological Investigation (Midodrine-SDBI) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  354. «The Effects of EVA and Long-Term Exposure to Microgravity on Pulmonary Function (PuFF) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  355. «Evaluation of Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Submaximal Estimates of VO2max Before, During, and After Long Duration International Space Station Missions (VO2max) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-10-13. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  356. «Effect of Microgravity on the Peripheral Subcutaneous Veno-Arteriolar Reflex in Humans (Xenon1) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  357. «IntraVenous Fluid GENeration for Exploration Missions (Experiment de l'ISS) (IVGEN) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  358. «Stability of Pharmacotherapeutic and Nutritional Compounds (Stability) (Experiment de l'ISS)- NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-06-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  359. «Bodies In the Space Environment: Relative Contributions of Internal and External Cues to Self - Orientation, During and After Zero Gravity Exposure (BISE) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-03-27. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  360. «Crewmember and Crew-Ground Interaction During International Space Station Missions (Interactions) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  361. «Behavioral Issues Associated with Isolation and Confinement: Review and Analysis of ISS Crew Journals (Journals) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2007-11-02. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  362. «Sleep-Wake Actigraphy and Light Exposure During Spaceflight-Long (Sleep-Long) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2008-09-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  363. Sleep-Wake Actigraphy and Light Exposure During Spaceflight-Short (Sleep-Short) Arxivat 2010-04-26 a Wayback Machine. (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA
  364. Human Factors Assessment of Vibration Effects on Visual Performance During Launch (Visual_Performance) Arxivat 2009-03-27 a Wayback Machine. (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA
  365. «Differentiation of Bone Marrow Macrophages in Space (BONEMAC) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-02-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  366. «Cell Culture Module - Immune Response of Human Monocytes in Microgravity (CCM-Immune_Response) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  367. Cell Culture Module - Effect of Microgravity on Wound Repair: In Vitro Model of New Blood Vessel Development Arxivat 2008-10-05 a Wayback Machine. (CCM-Wound_Repair) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA
  368. «Space Flight Induced Reactivation of Latent Epstein-Barr Virus (Epstein-Barr) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2008-04-05. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  369. «Validation of Procedures for Monitoring Crewmember Immune Function (Integrated_Immune) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-09-14. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  370. «Incidence of Latent Virus Shedding During Space Flight (Latent_Virus) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2008-10-05. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  371. «Advanced Diagnostic Ultrasound in Microgravity (ADUM) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-10-29. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  372. «Nutritional Status Assessment (Nutrition) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-10-03. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  373. «Dietary Intake Can Predict and Protect Against Changes in Bone Metabolism during Spaceflight and Recovery (Pro_K) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2012-08-05. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  374. «National Aeronautics and Space Administration Biological Specimen Repository (Repository) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  375. «ELaboratore Immagini TElevisive - Space 2 (ELITE-S2) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-10-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  376. «Promoting Sensorimotor Response Generalizability: A Countermeasure to Mitigate Locomotor Dysfunction After Long-Duration Space Flight (Mobility) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  377. «Bioavailability and Performance Effects of Promethazine During Space Flight (PMZ) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  378. «Anomalous Long Term Effects in Astronauts' Central Nervous System (ALTEA) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2007-11-30. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  379. «Anomalous Long Term Effects in Astronauts' Central Nervous System - Shield (ALTEA-Shield) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  380. «Bonner Ball Neutron Detector (BBND) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  381. «Chromosomal Aberrations in Blood Lymphocytes of Astronauts (Chromosome) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  382. «Dosimetric Mapping (DOSMAP) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  383. «A Study of Radiation Doses Experienced by Astronauts in EVA (EVARM) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  384. «Organ Dose Measurement Using the Phantom Torso (Torso) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-05-31. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  385. «Mental Representation of Spatial Cues During Space Flight (3D-Space) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-10-12. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  386. «Long Term Microgravity: A Model for Investigating Mechanisms of Heart Disease with New Portable Equipment (Card) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  387. «Cytogenetic Effects of Ionizing Radiation in Peripheral Lymphocytes of ISS Crewmembers (Chromosome-2) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  388. «Astronaut's Energy Requirements for Long-Term Space Flight (Energy) (Experiment de l'ISS)- NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  389. «Neuroendocrine and Immune Responses in Humans During and After Long Term Stay at ISS (Immuno) (Experiment de l'ISS)- NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  390. «Motion Perception: Vestibular Adaptation to G-Transitions (MOP) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  391. «Study of Low Back Pain in Crewmembers During Space Flight (Mus) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  392. «Otolith Assessment During Postflight Re-adaptation (Otolith) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  393. «Perceptual Motor Deficits in Space () (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  394. «Psychomotor Vigilance Self Test on the International Space Station (Reaction_Self_Test) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  395. «Study of Microbial Communities Exposed to Weightlessness (Sample) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  396. «SOdium LOading in Microgravity (SOLO) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  397. «Validation of Centrifugation as a Countermeasure for Otolith Deconditioning During Spaceflight (Spin) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  398. «Test of Reaction and Adaptation Capabilities (TRAC)(Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  399. «Ambiguous Tilt and Translation Motion Cues After Space Flight (Zag) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  400. «Physical and Biological Sciences in Microgravity - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  401. «Fungal Pathogenesis, Tumorigenesis, and Effects of Host Immunity in Space (FIT) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  402. «Mice Drawer System (MDS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  403. «Avian Development Facility - Development and Function of the Avian Otolith System in Normal Altered Gravity Environments (ADF-Otolith) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  404. «Avian Development Facility - Skeletal Development in Embryonic Quail (ADF-Skeletal) (Experiment de l'ISS)- NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  405. «Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: Human Renal Cortical Cell Differentiation and Hormone Production (CBOSS-01-02-Renal) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  406. «Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: Use of NASA Bioreactor to Study Cell Cycle Regulation: Mechanisms of Colon Carcinoma Metastasis in Microgravity (CBOSS-01-Colon (Experiment de l'ISS)) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  407. «Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: Evaluation of Ovarian Tumor Cell Growth and Gene Expression (CBOSS-01-Ovarian) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  408. «Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: PC12 Pheochromocytoma Cells - A Proven Model System for Optimizing 3-D Cell Culture Biotechnology in Space (CBOSS-01-PC12) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  409. «Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: Production of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin by Mammalian Cells (CBOSS-02-Erythropoietin) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  410. Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: The Effect of Microgravity on the Immune Function of Human Lymphoid Tissue (CBOSS-02-HLT) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA[Enllaç no actiu]
  411. «Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support Systems: Fluid Dynamics Investigation (CBOSS-FDI) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  412. «Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus - Antibiotic Production in Space (CGBA-APS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  413. «Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus - Kidney Cell Gene Expression (CGBA-KCGE) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  414. «Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus - Synaptogenesis in Microgravity (CGBA-SM) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  415. «Microencapsulation Electrostatic Processing System (MEPS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  416. «StelSys Liver Cell Function Research (StelSys) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  417. «Gene, Immune and Cellular Responses to Single and Combined Space Flight Conditions - A (TripleLux-A) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  418. «Gene, Immune and Cellular Responses to Single and Combined Space Flight Conditions - B (TripleLux-B) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  419. «Microbial Drug Resistance Virulence (MDRV) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  420. «Effect of Spaceflight on Microbial Gene Expression and Virulence (Microbe) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  421. «National Laboratory Pathfinder - Cells (NLP-Cells) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  422. «National Laboratory Pathfinder - Vaccine - 1A (NLP-Vaccine-1A) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  423. «National Laboratory Pathfinder - Vaccine - 1B (NLP-Vaccine-1B) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  424. «National Lab Pathfinder - Vaccine - 1C (NLP-Vaccine-1C) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  425. «National Lab Pathfinder - Vaccine - 2 (NLP-Vaccine-2) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  426. «National Lab Pathfinder - Vaccine - 3 (NLP-Vaccine-3) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  427. «National Lab Pathfinder - Vaccine - 4 (NLP-Vaccine-4) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  428. «National Lab Pathfinder - Vaccine - 5 (NLP-Vaccine-5) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  429. «Passive Observatories for Experimental Microbial Systems (POEMS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  430. «Streptococcus pneumoniae Expression of Genes in Space (SPEGIS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  431. «Surface, Water and Air Biocharacterization - A Comprehensive Characterization of Microorganisms and Allergens in Spacecraft Environment (SWAB) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-23. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  432. «Yeast-Group Activation Packs (Yeast-GAP) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  433. «Advanced AstrocultureTM (ADVASC) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  434. «Biomass Production System (BPS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  435. «Cambium (Cambium) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  436. Cell Wall/Reverse Genetic Approach to Exploring Genes Responsible for Cell Wall Dynamics in Supporting Tissues of Arabidopsis Under Microgravity Conditions and Resist Wall/Role of Microtubule-Membrane-Cell Wall Continuum in Gravity Resistance in Plants (CWRW) Arxivat 2010-03-24 a Wayback Machine. (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA
  437. «Gravity Related Genes in Arabidopsis - A (Genara-A) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  438. «Threshold Acceleration for Gravisensing (Gravi) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  439. «Threshold Acceleration for Gravisensing - 2 (Gravi-2) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  440. «Validating Vegetable Production Unit (VPU) Plants, Protocols, Procedures and Requirements (P3R) Using Currently Existing Flight Resources (Lada-VPU-P3R) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  441. «Molecular and Plant Physiological Analyses of the Microgravity Effects on Multigeneration Studies of Arabidopsis thaliana (Multigen) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-07-02. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  442. «National Laboratory Pathfinder - Cells - 3: Jatropha Biofuels (NLP-Cells-3) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-23. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  443. «The Optimization of Root Zone Substrates (ORZS) for Reduced Gravity Experiments Program (ORZS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  444. «Photosynthesis Experiment and System Testing and Operation (PESTO) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  445. «Plant Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (PGBA) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  446. «Transgenic Arabidopsis Gene Expression System (TAGES) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-23. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  447. «Analysis of a Novel Sensory Mechanism in Root Phototropism (Tropi) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-02-03. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  448. «Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Extraordinary Structural Features of Antibodies from Camelids (APCF-Camelids) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  449. «Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Solution Flows and Molecular Disorder of Protein Crystals: Growth of High Quality Crystals, Motions of Lumazin Crystals and Growth of Ferritin Crystals (APCF-Crystal_Growth) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  450. «Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Effect of Different Growth Conditions on the Quality of Thaumatin and Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetase Crystals Grown in Microgravity (APCF-Crystal_Quality) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  451. «Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Crystallization of Human Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Subfractions in Microgravity (APCF-Lipoprotein) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  452. «Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Testing New Trends in Microgravity Protein Crystallization (APCF-Lysozyme) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  453. «Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Crystallization of the Next Generation of Octarellins (APCF-Octarellins) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  454. «Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Protein Crystallization in Microgravity, Collagen Model (X-Y-Gly) Polypeptides - the case of (Pro-Pro-Gly) 10 (APCF-PPG10) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  455. Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility - Crystallization of Rhodopsin in Microgravity (APCF-Rhodopsin) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA
  456. «Commercial Protein Crystal Growth - High Density (CPCG-H) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  457. «Dynamically Controlled Protein Crystal Growth (DCPCG) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  458. «Protein Crystal Growth-Enhanced Gaseous Nitrogen Dewar (PCG-EGN) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  459. «Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Improved Diffraction Quality of Crystals (PCG-STES-IDQC) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  460. «Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Crystallization of the Integral Membrane Protein Using Microgravity (PCG-STES-IMP) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  461. «Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Synchrotron Based Mosaicity Measurements of Crystal Quality and Theoretical Modeling (PCG-STES-MM) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  462. «Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Crystallization of the Mitochondrial Metabolite Transport Proteins (PCG-STES-MMTP) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  463. «Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System - Crystal Growth Model System for Material Science (PCG-STES-MS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  464. «Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Engineering a Ribozyme for Diffraction Properties (PCG-STES-RDP) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  465. «Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Regulation of Gene Expression (PCG-STES-RGE) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  466. «Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Science and Applications of Facility Hardware for Protein Crystal Growth (PCG-STES-SA) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  467. «Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System-Vapor Equilibrium Kinetics Studies (PCG-STES-VEKS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  468. «Dome Gene Experiment (DomeGene) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  469. «Exposure Experiment (Expose) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  470. «Fischer Rat Thyroid Low Serum 5% (FRTL5) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  471. «High Quality Protein Crystallization (HQPC) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-23. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  472. «Detection of Changes in LOH Profile of TK mutants of Human Cultured Cells (LOH) - Gene Expression of p53-Regulated Genes in Mammalian Cultured Cells After Exposure to Space Environment (LOH-RadGene) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  473. «Effects of Microgravity on the Haemopoietic System: A Study on Neocytolysis (Neocytolysis) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  474. «PAthway DIfferent ACtivators (PADIAC) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  475. «ROle of Apoptosis in Lymphocyte Depression (ROALD) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  476. «Study of Space Environment Effects on PY17 Bacterial Spores onboard [sic] Space Shuttle (Spore) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  477. «Waving and Coiling of Arabidopsis Roots at Different g-levels (WAICO) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  478. «Physical and Biological Sciences in Microgravity - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  479. «Smoke Point In Co-flow Experiment (SPICE) - (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  480. «Capillary Flow Experiment (CFE)- (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  481. «DEvice for the study of Critical LIquids and Crystallization - High Temperature Insert (DECLIC-HTI) - (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-23. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  482. «Fluid Merging Viscosity Measurement (FMVM) - (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  483. «Miscible Fluids in Microgravity (MFMG) - (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  484. «Shear History Extensional Rheology Experiment (SHERE) - (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  485. «Selectable Optical Diagnostics Instrument-Influence of VIbrations on DIffusion of Liquids (SODI-IVIDIL) - (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  486. «Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 3 and 4: Critical Point (BCAT-3-4-CP) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  487. «Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 3: Binary Alloys (BCAT-3-BA) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  488. «Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 3: Surface Crystallization (BCAT-3-SC) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  489. «Binodal Colloidal Aggregation Test - 4: Polydispersion (BCAT-4-Poly) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  490. «Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 5: Three-Dimensional Melt (BCAT-5-3D-Melt) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  491. «Binary Colloidal Alloy Test - 5: Compete (BCAT-5-Compete) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  492. «Binary Colloidal Alloy Test-5: Phase Separation (BCAT-5-PhaseSep) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  493. «Coarsening in Solid Liquid Mixtures-2 (CSLM-2) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  494. «DEvice for the study of Critical LIquids and Crystallization - Directional Solidification Insert (DECLIC-DSI) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  495. «EXPRESS Physics of Colloids in Space (EXPPCS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  496. «Viscous Liquid Foam - Bulk Metallic Glass (Foam) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  497. «Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions (InSPACE) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  498. «Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions - 2 (InSPACE-2) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  499. «Materials International Space Station Experiment - 1 and 2 (MISSE-1_and_2) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  500. «Materials International Space Station Experiment - 3 and 4 (MISSE-3_and_4) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  501. «Materials International Space Station Experiment - 5 (MISSE-5) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2008-12-09. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  502. «Materials International Space Station Experiment - 6A and 6B (MISSE-6A_and_6B) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  503. «Materials International Space Station Experiment - 7 (MISSE-7) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2008-12-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  504. «Materials Science Laboratory - Columnar-to-Equiaxed Transition in Solidification Processing and Microstructure Formation in Casting of Technical Alloys under Diffusive and Magnetically Controlled Convective Conditions (MSL-CETSOL_and_MICAST) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  505. «Toward Understanding Pore Formation and Mobility During Controlled Directional Solidification in a Microgravity Environment (PFMI) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  506. «Selectable Optical Diagnostics Instrument - Aggregation of Colloidal Solutions (SODI-Colloid) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  507. «Space-Dynamically Responding Ultrasonic Matrix System (SpaceDRUMS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  508. «Solidification Using a Baffle in Sealed Ampoules (SUBSA) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  509. «Zeolite Crystal Growth (ZCG) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  510. and Applied Studies of Emulsion Stability (FASES) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA[Enllaç no actiu]
  511. «Simulation of Geophysical Fluid Flow Under Microgravity (Geoflow) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  512. «Chaos, Turbulence and its Transition Process in Marangoni Convection (Marangoni) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-23. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  513. NASA - Technology Arxivat 2010-03-16 a Wayback Machine.. (2010-07-31). Retrieved on 2010-08-14.
  514. «Active Rack Isolation System - ISS Characterization Experiment (ARIS-ICE) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  515. «Microgravity Acceleration Measurement System (MAMS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-23. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  516. «Space Acceleration Measurement System-II (SAMS-II) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-23. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  517. «Analyzing Interferometer for Ambient Air (ANITA) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  518. Electronic Nose (ENose) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA[Enllaç no actiu]
  519. «Lab-on-a-Chip Application Development-Portable Test System (LOCAD-PTS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-03-27. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  520. «Lab-on-a-Chip Application Development-Portable Test System - Exploration (LOCAD-PTS-Exploration) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-04-07. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  521. «Vehicle Cabin Atmosphere Monitor (VCAM) ISS Experiment - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  522. «Avatar Explore: Autonomous Robotic Operations Performed from the ISS (Avatar_Explore) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  523. «Avatar - Explore (Experiment de l'ISS) - Canadian Space Agency». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-25. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  524. «Dual RF Astrodynamic GPS Orbital Navigator Satellite (DRAGONSat) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-06-12. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  525. «Middeck Active Control Experiment-II (MACE-II) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  526. «Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-23. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  527. «Space Test Program-H2-Microelectromechanical System-Based (MEMS) PICOSAT Inspector (STP-H2-MEPSI) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  528. «Space Test Program-H2-Radar Fence Transponder (STP-H2-RAFT) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  529. «Elastic Memory Composite Hinge (EMCH) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  530. «In Space Soldering Investigation (ISSI) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  531. «Pico-Satellite Solar Cell Experiment (PSSC) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  532. «Rigidizable Inflatable Get-Away-Special Experiment (RIGEX) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2008-03-27. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  533. «RIGEX summary - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-04-07. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  534. «DTIC paper on RIGEX». Arxivat de l'original el 2012-10-09. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  535. «Boiling eXperiment Facility - Microheater Array Boiling Experiment (BXF-MABE) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  536. «Boiling eXperiment Facility - Nucleate Pool Boiling eXperiment (BXF-NPBX) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  537. «Dust and Aerosol Measurement Feasibility Test (DAFT) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  538. «Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-07-21. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  539. «Maui Analysis of Upper Atmospheric Injections (MAUI) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-03-27. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  540. «Multi-User Droplet Combustion Apparatus - Flame Extinguishment Experiment (MDCA-FLEX) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  541. «Smoke and Aerosol Measurement Experiment (SAME) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  542. «Space Communications and Navigation Testbed (SCAN_Testbed) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  543. «Shuttle Exhaust Ion Turbulence Experiments (SEITE) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-10-29. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  544. «Shuttle Ionospheric Modification with Pulsed Localized Exhaust Experiments (SIMPLEX) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-10-29. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  545. «Serial Network Flow Monitor (SNFM) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  546. «Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment - 2 (ANDE-2) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-07-19. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  547. «Ram Burn Observations (RAMBO) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  548. «Space Test Program-H2-Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment (STP-H2-ANDE) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  549. «DEBris In Orbit Evaluator - 2 (DEBIE-2) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  550. «EuTEF Thermometer (EuTemp) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  551. «Earth Viewing Camera (EVC) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  552. «Activation and Test Downlink of HDTV System (JAXA-HDTV) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  553. «Particle Flux Demonstrator (Particle_Flux) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  554. «Tribology Laboratory (TriboLab) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  555. NASA - Observing the Earth and Educational Activities Arxivat 2010-03-16 a Wayback Machine.. (2010-07-31). Retrieved on 2010-08-14.
  556. «Agricultural Camera (AgCam) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-04-04. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  557. «Crew Earth Observations (CEO) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-09-14. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  558. «Crew Earth Observations - International Polar Year (CEO-IPY) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  559. «Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer - 02 (AMS-02) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-08-16. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  560. «DOSimetry TELescopes (DOSTEL) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  561. «Flux (Phi) Probe EXperiment - Time resolved Measurement of Atomic Oxygen (FIPEX) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  562. «HICO and RAIDS Experiment Payload - Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HREP-HICO) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-23. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  563. «HICO and RAIDS Experiment Payload - Remote Atmospheric and Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS) (HREP-RAIDS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-23. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  564. «RaDI-N (RaDI-N) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  565. NASA - Results from ISS Operations Arxivat 2010-03-16 a Wayback Machine.. (2010-07-31). Retrieved on 2010-08-14.
  566. «Science of Opportunity (Saturday_Morning_Science) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  567. «Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-26. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  568. «Education - How Solar Cells Work (Education-Solar_Cells) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  569. «International Space Station Inflight Education Downlinks (Inflight_Education_Downlinks) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  570. «Anomalous Long Term Effects in Astronauts' - Dosimetry (ALTEA-Dosi) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  571. «International Space Station Acoustic Measurement Program (ISS_Acoustics) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  572. «Clinical Nutrition Assessment of ISS Astronauts, SMO-016E (Clinical_Nutrition_Assessment) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  573. «International Space Station Zero-Propellant Maneuver (ZPM) Demonstration (ZPM) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2008-10-05. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  574. «Analysis of International Space Station Plasma Interaction (Plasma_Interaction_Model) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  575. Validation of On-Orbit Methodology for the Assessment of Cardiac Function and Changes in the Circulating Volume Using Ultrasound and Braslet-M Occlusion Cuffs, SDTO 17011 U/R (Braslet) Arxivat 2010-03-24 a Wayback Machine. (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA
  576. «Component Repair Experiment - 1, SDTO 17012U (CRE-1) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  577. «Soldering in Reduced Gravity Experiment, SDTO 17003-U (SoRGE) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  578. «Solid State Lighting Module, SDTO 15008U (SSLM) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  579. «Periodic Fitness Evaluation with Oxygen Uptake Measurement (PFE-OUM) (Experiment de l'ISS) - NASA». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-03-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  580. S.P. Korolev RSC Energia - International Space Station Arxivat 2018-01-11 a Wayback Machine.. (2000-11-02). Retrieved on 2010-08-14.
  581. «Human Life Research on ISS Russian Segment - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  582. Sprut-MBI Arxivat 2011-06-10 a Wayback Machine. (Experiment de l'ISS)] - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia
  583. «Parodont (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  584. «Cardio-ODNT (Experiment de l'ISS)- S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  585. «Mass Transfer (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  586. «Prognos (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  587. «Brados (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  588. «Farma (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  589. «Poligen (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  590. Diurez (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia[Enllaç no actiu]
  591. «Biotest (Experiment de l'ISS)- S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  592. «Biotest-1 (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  593. «Profilaktika (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  594. «Pulse (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  595. «BIMS (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  596. «Biorisk (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  597. Rastenia-2 (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia[Enllaç no actiu]
  598. «Pilot (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  599. «Intercellular Interaction (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  600. «Gematologia (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  601. «Plasmida (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  602. «Statokonia (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  603. «Regeneratsia (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  604. «Akvarium (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  605. «Sonokard (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  606. «Vzaimodeystviye (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  607. «Dykhanie (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  608. «Pneumocard (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  609. «Rastenia (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  610. «Tipologia (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  611. «Geophysical Research - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  612. «Uragan (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  613. «Relaksatsia (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  614. «Molnyia-SM (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  615. «Vsplesk (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  616. «Impuls (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  617. «Plazma-Progress (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  618. «Plazma-MKS (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  619. «Ten'-Mayak (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  620. «Earth Resources Sensing - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  621. «Diatomeya (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  622. «Volny (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  623. «Rusalka (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  624. «Seiner (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  625. «Ekon (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  626. «Space Biotechnology - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  627. «CPCF-2 (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  628. «Mimetik-K (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  629. «Biodegradation (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  630. «Conjugation (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  631. «MSK (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  632. «KAF (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  633. «Vaktsina-K (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  634. «Bioekologia (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  635. «Interleukin-K (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  636. «Bioemulsia (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  637. «Glikoproteid (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  638. «Biotrek (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  639. «Antigen (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  640. «Lactolen (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  641. «ARIL (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  643. «Astrovaktsina (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  644. «Zhenshen-2 (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  645. «Kaskad (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  646. «BIF (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  647. «Bakteriofag (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  648. «Structura (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  649. «Konstanta (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  650. «Technical Research - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  651. «Tenzor (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  652. «Iskazhenye (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  653. «Privyazka (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  654. «Identificatsia (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  655. «Izgib (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  656. «Infrazvuk-M (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  657. «Meteoroid (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  658. «Vektor-T (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  659. «Scorpion (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  660. «Kromka (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  661. «Acoustika-M (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  662. «Toksichnost (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  663. «Radioskaf (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  664. «Sreda-MKS (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  665. «Infotekh (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  667. «Veterok (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  668. «BAR (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  669. «Expert (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  670. «Contract Activities - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  671. «GTS (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  672. «GTS-2 (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  674. «Biosfera (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  675. «LEGO (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  676. «Popular Mechanics (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  677. «MPAC & SEED (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  678. «HDTV (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  679. «Starmail (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-10. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  680. «GCF-JAXA (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  681. «ROKVISS (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  682. «Neurocog (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  683. «Cardiocog (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  684. «Neurocog-3 (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  685. «JAXA 3DPC (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  686. «JAXA 3DPC-2 (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  687. «SCN (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  688. «Cardiocog-4 (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  689. «NOA (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  690. «IMMUNO (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  691. «Golf (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  692. «Myocite (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  693. «Stroma (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  694. «Amphybody (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  695. «Tubul (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  696. «MIA (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  697. «NKA (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  698. «Bioculture (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  699. «Altcriss (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  700. «Cult (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  701. «Sample-LDM (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  702. «AT-SPACE (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  703. «BIOKIN 4 (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  704. «PKINASE (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  705. «EXPOSE-R (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  706. «Pille-Simonyi-2 (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  707. «Sample (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  708. «Study of Cosmic Rays - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  709. «Platan (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  710. «BTN-Neutron (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  711. Matryoshka-R (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»
  712. «Educational and Humanitarian Projects - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  713. «Kolibry Project (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  714. «Konstructor Project (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  715. «MATI-75 (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  716. «MAI-75 (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  717. «Fizika-Obrazovanie (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  718. «Space Technology and Material Science - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  719. «SVS (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  720. «Kristallizator (Experiment de l'ISS) - S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-01-24. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  721. «Foreign Programs - S.P.Korolev RSC Energia». Arxivat de l'original el 2018-01-11. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2013].
  722. Banks, Dave «Space Shuttle Endeavour Launches Tomorrow With a Special Payload». Wired News, 28-04-2011 [Consulta: 2 maig 2011].
  723. Eaton, Kit «Space Shuttle Endeavour: Made Of Spare Parts». Fast Company, 29-04-2011 [Consulta: 2 maig 2011].

Enllaços externs

  • International Space Station Science Research Accomplishments During the Assembly Years: An Analysis of Results from 2000-2008 - NASA
  • Experiment List - Alphabetical - NASA Arxivat 2013-07-27 a Wayback Machine.