Historia Brittonum

Historia Brittonum merupakan nama dari sebuah buku mengenai sejarah Pulau Britania Raya, khususnya di Wales. Dari tahun berapa buku ini berasal sangat sulit diketahui, karena merupakan penjajaran teks dari periode yang berbeda. Akan tetapi dapat dianggap bahwa abad kesembilan sebagai tahun tertua dan abad kesebelas sebagai tahun terbaru.




Wikisource Latin memiliki teks asli yang berkaitan dengan artikel ini:
Historia Brittonum (ed. Mommsen)
Wikisumber memiliki naskah asli yang berkaitan dengan artikel ini:
Giles tr.combined with composite trr. of Mirabilia
Wikiquote memiliki koleksi kutipan yang berkaitan dengan: Historia Brittonum.

Sumber pertama

Hanya Mirabilia

  • (tr.) R (1830), "The Wonders of the Island of Britain", Cambrian Quarterly Magazine and Celtic Repertory, 2: 60 ff. 
  • (tr.) Barber, Richard (1999), "On the Marvels of Britain", Myths and Legends of the British Isles, New York: Barnes and Noble Books, hlm. 85–88, ISBN 0-7607-1959-4 

Teks dan terjemahan

  • (ed.) Gale, Thomas, ed. (1691), Historiae Britannicae, Saxonicae, Anglo-Danicae, Scriptores XV. ex vetustis Codd. MSS. editi, (2 vols) (google), 1, Oxford: E Theatro Sheldoniano, hlm. 93 ff 
    • reprinted, with emendations, in *Bertram (1757), Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores tres, Copenhagen 
  • (ed., tr.) Gunn, W.(Bill), Rev., ed. (1819), The "Historia Brittonum" commonly attributed to Nennius, from a manuscript lately discovered in the library of the Vatican Palace at Rome ; edited in the tenth century by Mark the Hermit ; with an English version, facsimile.. (google), London: J. and A. Arch  (lacks Mirabilia)
  • (ed.) Stevenson, Joseph, ed. (1838), "Nennii Historia Britonum ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum" (google), Publications of the English Historical Society, sumptibus Societatis, 4 
  • (ed., tr.) Giles, J. A., ed. (1847), "Nennius: Historia Britonum" (google), Six Old English Chronicles, London: Henry G. Bohn, 2 
    • Nennius's History of the Britons (Giles tr.) in Six Old English Chronicles, 1, (1848) (Mirabilia section is edited but untranslated).
  • (ed.) Petrie, Henry, ed. (1848), "Nennius", Monumenta Historica Britannica, G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode  w:Monumenta Historica Britannica
  • (ed., tr.) Todd, James Henthorn, ed. (1848), Leabhar Breathnach annso sis (The Irish version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius) (google), Dublin: Irish Archaeological Society  (includes Mirabilia).
  • (ed.) Mommsen, Theodore, ed. (1898), "Historia Brittonvm cvm additamentis Nennii", Chronica Minora (Internet Archive), Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctorum Antiquissimi xiii, 3, Berlin, hlm. 111–222  google
    • Latin library
  • (tr.) Wade-Evans, Arthur W. (1938), Nennius's "History of the Britons", together with "The annals of the Britons" and "Court pedigrees of Hywel the Good", also "The story of the loss of Britain", London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 
  • (ed.,tr.) Morris, John, ed. (1980), British history; and the Welsh annals, History from the Sources, 8, London and Chichester: Phillimore, ISBN 978-0-8476-6264-7 
  • (ed.) Dumville, David N., ed. (1985), The Historia Brittonum: The Vatican Recension, 3, Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, ISBN 0-85991-203-5, LCCN 84024211 
  • (tr.) wikisource:History of the Britons (composite of Gunn, Giles, and others).

Sumber kedua

Umum dan kamus

  • Lacy, Norris J. (1991), The New Arthurian Encyclopedia, New York: Garland, ISBN 0-8240-4377-4 ;
  • Lacy, Norris J. (1986), The Arthurian Encyclopedia, New York: Garland, ISBN 0-87226-164-6 ; article "Nennius" by GA (Geoffrey Ashe).
  • Koch, John Thomas (2006), Celtic culture: a historical encyclopedia (preview), ABC-CLIO, hlm. 925–, ISBN 978-1-85109-440-0 

Katalog naskah

  • "Manuscripts Catalogue". British Library. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-08-15. Diakses tanggal 2012-03-07. 
  • Hardy, Thomas Duffus (1862), Descriptive catalogue of materials relating to the history of Great Britain (google), 1, part 1, Longman: Longman  ( Rolls Series:Rerum Britannicarum medii Ævi Scriptores (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages)), p. 318- (#776-).

Studi kritis

  • Alcock, Leslie (1971), Arthur's Britain: History and Archaeology AD 367-634, London: Penguin 
  • Dumville, David N. (1974), "Some aspects of the chronology of the Historia Brittonum", Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 25.4: 439–45 
  • Fletcher, Robert Huntington (1906), "The Arthurian material in the chronicles", Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature, 10, hlm. 32–4, diarsipkan dari versi asli (google) tanggal 2008-03-11 ,
  • Green, Thomas (2007), Concepts of Arthur, Stroud, Gloucestershire: Tempus, ISBN 978-0-7524-4461-1 
  • Higham, N.J. (2002), 'King Arthur: Myth Making and History, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 
  • Liebermann, F. (1925), "Nennius the author of the Historia Brittonum" (preview), Essays in Medieval History presented to T. F. Tout, Manchester, hlm. 25–44, ISBN 9780836904277 
  • Mackillop, James (2004), "Historia Brittonum", A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology (edisi ke-online), Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780198609674 )
  • Bromwich, Rachel (2006), Trioedd Ynys Prydein: The Triads of the Island of Britain, University Of Wales Press, ISBN 0-7083-1386-8 

Bacaan selanjutnya

  • P. J. C. Field, 'Nennius and His History' Studia Celtica 30 (1996) 159-65

Pranala luar

  • Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews’s reconstructed original text
  • Historia Brittonum in English
  • Historia Brittonum in Latin
  • Vortigern Studies, Robert Vermaat
  • The Wonders of Britain: The de mirabilibus britanniae section, with details
  • The Historia Brittonum in a freely-distributable PDF document
  • Buku audio domain publik History of the Britons di LibriVox