Renaisan Karoling

Minuskul Karoling, salah satu produk Renaisans Karoling.

Renaisans Karoling adalah peristiwa pertama dari tiga renaisans abad pertengahan, sebuah periode kegiatan budaya di Kekaisaran Karoling. Ini terjadi pada masa Abad Pertengahan Awal dari akhir abad ke-8 sampai abad ke-9, yang terinspirasi dari Kekaisaran Kristen Romawi dari abad keempat. Pada periode ini, terdapat peningkatan sastra, penulisan, seni rupa, arsitektur, yurisprudensi, reformasi liturgi, dan kajian skriptural.




Daftar pustaka

  • Allen, Larry (2009), "Carolingian Reform", The Encyclopedia of Money, Sta. Barbara: ABC Clio, hlm. 59–60, ISBN 978-1-59884-251-7 .
  • Cantor, Norman F. (1993). The Civilization of the Middle Ages: a completely revised and expanded edition of Medieval history, the life and death of a civilization. HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-017033-6. 
  • Chambers, Mortimer; et al. (1983), The Western Experience to 1715 (edisi ke-3rd), New York: Alfred A. Knopf, ISBN 0-394-33085-4 .
  • Chown, John F (1994), A History of Money from AD 800, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-415-10279-0 .
  • Contreni, John G. (1984), "The Carolingian Renaissance", Renaissances before the Renaissance: cultural revivals of late antiquity and the Middle Ages .
  • Ferguson, Wallace K. (1974), "Money and Coinage of the Age of Erasmus: An Historical and Analytical Glossary with Particular Reference to France, the Low Countries, England, the Rhineland, and Italy", The Correspondence of Erasmus: Letters 1 to 141: 1484 to 1500, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, hlm. 311–349, ISBN 0-8020-1981-1 .
  • Grier, James (Spring 2003), "Ademar de Chabannes, Carolingian Musical Practices, and "Nota Romana", Journal of the American Musicological Society, 56 (1), hlm. 43–98 .
  • Innes, M. (1997), "The classical tradition in the Carolingian Renaissance: Ninth-century encounters with Suetonius", International Journal of the Classical Tradition .
  • Munro, John H. (2012), "The Technology and Economics of Coinage Debasements in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: With Special Reference to the Low Countries and England", Money in the Pre-Industrial World: Bullion, Debasements, and Coin Substitutes, Pickering & Chatto, republished 2016 by Routledge, hlm. 30 ff, ISBN 978-1-84893-230-2 .
  • Nelson, Janet L. (1986), "On the limits of the Carolingian renaissance", Politics and Ritual in Early Medieval Europe .
  • Scott, Martin (1964), Medieval Europe, New York: Dorset Press, ISBN 0-88029-115-X .
  • Suchodolski, Stanislaw (1983), "On the Rejection of Good Coin in Carolingian Europe", Studies in Numismatic Method: Presented to Philip Grierson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, hlm. 147–152, ISBN 0-521-22503-5 .
  • Thorndike, Lynn (1943), "Renaissance or Prenaissance?", Journal of the History of Ideas, No. 4, hlm. 65 ff .
  • Trompf, G.W. (1973), "The concept of the Carolingian Renaissance", Journal of the History of Ideas, hlm. 3 ff .
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