NASA astrobiološki institut

NASA astrobiološki institut (NAI)
Predsednik Karl Pilčer
Godina osnivanja 1998
Sedište NASA Ames israživački centar
Mountan Vju Kalifornija
Internet stranica

NASA astrobiološki institut (NAI) je formirala NASA 1998.[1] s ciljem razvijanja polja astrobiologije i formiranja naučnog okvira za svemirske misije.[2] NAI je virtualna,[3] distribuirana organizacija koja integriše astrobiološka istraživanja i programe obuke.[4] Direktor instituta je Karl Pilčer od 2006.[5]


  1. Bunk Steve (1998-06-22). „Astrobiology Makes Debut Under NASA”. The Scientist (Faculty of 1000) 12 (13). 
  2. NASA Astrobiology Institute (31. 8. 2010.). „About NAI”. NASA. 
  3. J.K.B. (2002). „Changes Urged for Astrobiology Effort”. Sky & Telescope (Sky Publishing Corporation) 104 (5): 23. ISSN 00376604. 
  4. Committee on the Review of the NASA Astrobiology Institute, United States National Research Council (2008). Assessment of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. ISBN 0-309-11497-7. 
  5. „About NAI”. NASA. 2011. 


  • Biever, Celeste (2003-07-05). „After a decade in the cold, SETI gets money from NASA”. New Scientist (Reed Business Information Ltd) 179 (2402): 8. ISSN 02624079. »NASA Astrobiology Institute awarded the SETI Institute $5 million spread over five years for 10 projects, including one that feeds directly into the search for intelligent life. This project aims to target specific solar systems that are likely to support life, and will use telescopes to screen a type of star called an M-star« 
  • Dick, Steven J. (2005). The Living Universe: NASA and the Development of Astrobiology. Rutgers University Press. ISBN 0813537339. 
  • Grymes, Rosalind A. (2002). „The NASA Astrobiology Institute: Reaching Within and Beyond”. Ad Astra (National Space Society) 14 (1): 12. ISSN 1041102X. 
  • Lawler, Andrew (2007-01-19). „Astrobiology Fights for Its Life”. Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) 315 (5810): 318–321. DOI:10.1126/science.315.5810.318. ISSN 00368075. 
  • Mecham, Michael (1999-06-14). „Astrobiology team taking shape at Ames”. Aviation Week & Space Technology (McGraw-Hill) 150 (24): 211. ISSN 00052175. 
  • Sawyer, Kathy (1999). „Out of the Lab, And This World; Hands-On Nobel Laureate to Lead NASA Agency Studying Life's Origins”. The Washington Post. str. A17. 
  • Committee on the Review of the NASA Astrobiology Institute, United States National Research Council (2008). Assessment of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. ISBN 0-309-11497-7.